42. The Daddies and Me pt. 1

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It was a normal day in the Jeon-Kim-Min house. Except, Taehyung was alone with Jung Hoon for the day. Today Yoongi was practically forced to go spend a day with his parents. He didn't want to be far from Jung Hoon but everyone agreed that he at least deserved a break.

Jungkook was out having a meeting with bus father regarding him interning at his company. That was very important and Taehyung knew that would take long. And as usual, Seokjin and Namjoon were out working at cafe In The Soop. But Taehyung didn't mind spending a day alone with his son. He wanted to have time with the baby. They needed to bond too.

"Okay Hoonie, your doing so well" Taehyung said as he changed the baby's diaper "Let me just put rash cream okay? Then we're done"

Even though Jung Hoon couldn't understand him yet, he knew that it was still important to talk to the baby. This is how they eventually started speaking and learning a bit later on in their baby phase. Yoongi said that he wanted their son to start speaking when he was at least one years old. It's a lot of expectations. But Yoongi wasn't the type to handle baby talk for long. Especially if there was something wrong, he wanted the baby to communicate it when he was old enough too.

Taehyung wipes the rash cream all over the baby's butt and then started putting on the new diaper. Jung Hoon was just staring up at Taehyung and gurgling. His arms moved around as he let Taehyung changed him. Jung Hoon was a particular baby. He didn't like being dirty. He cried as soon as he was.

"Okay all done!" Taehyung said lifting the infant from the changing table. He then gave him little eskimo kisses and kiss his cute baby cheeks "Let's go out and get fresh air"

Taehyung changed the baby into warm clothes and then he also changes out of his lounge clothes as well. He got the stroller and car seat prepared so that the driver can drop Taehyung and Jung Hoon off at a nearby park.

About a week and a half ago, the baby did get some necessary shots and vaccines at the doctors office. They were now all in the clear to take the baby out and about. They got dropped off at a well known park and Taehyung placed the infant in a very sturdy and expensive carriage. It has a cover on it but also a clear part so that Taehyung can watch the baby.

He started walking around enjoying the scenery. Because it is still winter time, some of the trees on the leaves have not grown yet. Taehyung couldn't wait until it was spring. Just a couple more months and he'll be able to enjoy the warm spring weather.

"This park was my favorite park while I was in school Hoonie. Sometimes when I was in a bad mood, i'll just come around here to think" Taehyung said to the baby

The baby just sucks on his fist as he also took in the bright lights and nature surrounding them. Eventually Taehyung stopped to sit at a bench nearby. He was now people watching. He observed multiple people walking their dogs. Some people were also going for a walk with their own children.

"This is the perfect time to start drawing my designs" Taehyung muttered to himself

He reached to the bottom of the stroller to take his notepad out of storage area. Of course when your out with a baby, packing a bag of necessities for the child was important. Taehyung has that bag along with his large drawing pad and a pencil case of pencils.

He started drawing some ideas since he also aspired to be a designer like his parents. But they unfortunately didn't think he was ready yet. Before they took his designs into consideration they told Taehyung that he must further his education in university.

Suddenly a girl with long black hair and a long black puffer jacket came up to Taehyung. Around her neck she has a camera "E-Excuse me"

Taehyung looked up at her and smiles "Yes ma'am?"

"I just wanted to ask if I could take a picture of you. You see, i'm sound a project called daily life. It's basically where I photograph people doing daily things. It's for my college project while we're on a small break" she explained

Taehyung nodded his head curious "Oh are you a photography student?"

She laughs "Yes, yes I am. And I couldn't help but to noticed such a fine specimen like you sitting in the park sketching. And with a baby stroller" the girl then peeks over to see the infant in the stroller who has now fell asleep "He's so adorable" she whispered "Is this your baby brother?"

Taehyung shakes his head "No, this is my son"

She looked at Taehyung slightly disappointed "O-Oh your son? I see"

"Did you still want the picture? I don't mind helping you out for your project"

The girl bites her lips and twirls her hair. She was clearly trying to flirt with him "Y-Yeah, if that's okay with you"

Taehyung chuckles "Yeah sure. What should I do?"

The girl takes her camera in her hands and steps back a bit "Just draw like you were doing before"

Taehyung nodded his head and continued his sketch. Clicks of the camera could be heard. He then occasionally looked over at Jung Hoon to make sure he was okay. Then the girl stopped taking pictures.

"Okay, thanks! It was nice meeting you umm..."

"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung"

"Oh? that name sounds familiar. But anyways, thanks Taehyung it was really nice meeting you. You don't get to met such dashing men everyday" she nervously laughs "My name is Lee ChaeYi by the way...thank you again" she said and walks away occasionally looking back at Taehyung with a blush on his face

Taehyung shakes his head chuckling "Clearly she was into me but...no one compares to Yoonie and Jungkookie"

Kim Taehyung couldn't imagine his life with anyone else other than Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook.


i'm supposed to be practicing my Korean but...my mind has been so entranced on finishing this fanfic, along with my other new one.

I know that's no excuse for procrastinating but I CANT HELP IT WHEN IM MOTIVATED TO FINALLY WRITE AGAIN. It's been literally like a year and a half, probably MORE! since i've felt like writing this much.

I don't know what happened all of a sudden. Anyways...I promise God I will start my studies again. I really need to do it since i'm actually living in Korea now. 😭😩

By the way, there's only like three more chapters left!

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