38. Graduation

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Time Skip: January

Yoongi was in a happy mood being that today was a special day. It was finally graduation day. No more high school. So he watches himself in the mirror adjust his tie. Today is the only day he's actually happy to wear his schools uniform. Mid way through his pregnancy he actually had to order new uniforms being that he did gain some weight. But today was the last day he'd worry about that.

"Are you ready? The car is out there" Jungkook asked walking into their shared large walk in closet

"Yeah, I was just making sure i'm fine. My mother would get all frantic if she saw my outfit was even the slightest of sloppy" Yoongi said rolling his eyes

Jungkook walks over to him and gives him a back hug. His hands were rubbing Yoongi's now swollen belly. He started kissing lightly on his neck.

"I think you look absolutely beautiful. No one could compare to how amazing you look"

"What about Taehyung? He's literally out of this world" Yoongi retorts

Jungkook laughs "Thats true...both you and him are the definition of beauty. If I were to find it in the dictionary, it'll say both of your names"

Yoongi shakes his head laughing "Alright stop with the flirting. Let's go before we're late to our own graduation"

They made their way downstairs and were greeted by Taehyung, Seokjin, and Namjoon.

"There you guys are!" Seokjin shouts "Come let's hurry!"

They took two separate SUVs since there wasn't enough room for the five of them in one car. They drive to the school and the three lovers and graduates say bye to Jin and Namjoon's and make their way into the school to prepare. Everyone was separated by their classes for now, so Jungkook unwillingly had to separate from his two boyfriends.

"Guys!" Jimin's voice shouted into the already noisy room with students

Taehyung and Yoongi looked to see their completely swollen belly friends with his hands  in the air in excitement. Hoseok was right next to him with the biggest smile he could muster.

"Happy graduation day!" Jimin cheers "You guys look so beautiful"

"Thanks! How're you?" Taehyung asked

Jimin sighed "Oh well...my feet are killing me and I feel like I could pop at any fucking moment. But other than that, i'm so happy schools done"

"Hobi, make sure you give Jimin the best massage tonight" Yoongi playfully teases

"Oh i'll give him the best massage he'll ever receive if he wants it" Hoseok said winking at Jimin and kisses his cheek

"Wow I'm already throbbing in excitement" Jimin said sarcastically

"Okay everyone! To your seats, i'll be giving you the run down before we enter the gym for the ceremony" Their homeroom teacher shouts

Everyone went quiet and listened to the teachers directions. Eventually the students were collected from the classrooms and brought to the schools soccer field to be put in alphabetical order with the other third year students. Then, they were all moved into the gym where parents were already taking lots of pictures on the side.

Seokjin, Namjoon, Taehyung' parents, Yoongi's parent's, and Jungkooks parents were all together cheering on their sons, and brother. Being extra like rich people are, Taehyung's parents brought in a professional photographer to take lots of pictures of the three. Taehyung was told beforehand that his parents were going to do it.

him + him ★ taegikook ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora