34. Conditions

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It's been a month since the three lovers revealed their relationship and pregnancy. Jungkook was sleeping at Taehyung's house because he refused to see or even associate himself with his father. Taehyung's parents were shocked of course about the three of them but learned that accept rather quickly. Taehyung had a long talk with his parents and they were just happy to see their son happy and healthy.

Yoongi's father was also accepting to it too. He knew that the three were dating already so he figured an active sex life with two people would lead to this. He told Yoongi that he didn't want this for him this early in his life but he'd do anything to help his son no matter what. Yoongi cried in his parents arms. He was blessed to have such nice parents.

But not only did Taehyung and Jungkooks parents know about the pregnancy, the whole school knew it too. Apparently some kid was being nosy listening in on Yoongi and Jimin's conversation in the schools locker room. They were both discussing the whole drama about Jungkooks father at the dinner.

Now, the three were the talk of the town. Not that they weren't before, but now it's too the extreme. Of course some jealous students have their negative close minded opinions about it like Jungkooks father. But Taehyung kept reminding Yoongi to not take it to heart.

Jimin and Hoseok were also suddenly popular amongst the students too now that they got engaged in front of everyone. But because neither of them were rich or had not ties to a high society, the students didn't judge them in the same way they judged Yoongi. Some were really thinking that Yoongi was using his boyfriends. Yoongi even walked by some group of girls saying that he's selfish for hogging up the good men.

Yoongi wanted to let them know so badly that his boyfriends love him because they all truly cared for each other. Money isn't something that's usually brought up whenever he's around Taehyung or Jungkook. They're just like any average person in a normal relationship. But people are usually quick to judge something they don't understand.

These hurtful words has made Jungkook especially go on overprotective mode. He was already overprotective, but he accompanied Yoongi and Taehyung everywhere. Jungkook was in a separate class from them so he'd often leave it, even if both of his lovers had to use the bathroom.

"How was your day today" Taehyung asked as he holds Yoongi and Jungkooks hand

The three were walking to Yoongi's house after school finished. They often walk Yoongi home being that Jungkook was in overprotective mode after all.

Yoongi sighs "Oh well you know...the same ol staring. I mean why're you asking me when you're with me every second of the day?" he asked amused

Taehyung shrugs "It's a conversation starter baby. But to tell you about my day, it was busy. So sorry I could sit with you guys during lunch"

"Yeah what was that about?" Jungkook asked

"I feel like, I kinda forget that I'm part of student council...Hoseok actually gave me a task today" Taehyung laughs

"Oh yeah you are a part of it" Yoongi said nodded his hand "What did you have to do?"

"I have to help plan for the schools, end of the school year festival"

"Ah that explains why Hoseok and Jimin weren't at lunch" Yoongi said kicking a rock in front of them

"I thought they were just fucking somewhere in a closet" Jungkook laughed

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