31. Besties before Hoe's

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Jimin and Yoongi were hanging out in Jimin's bedroom. They were both relived to have a break from their significant others. They literally wouldn't leave them alone.

"I can't believe you had to sneak out of school...and it was the end of the day" Jimin laughed

"Yeah I didn't tell them I as going to your house. They'd want to join too" Yoongi sighs

"Aw Yoongi, you wanted to be alone with me? That's nice of you but i'm taken" Jimin jokes

Yoongi chuckles "Shut up~ As if I'd ever date you"

Jimin gasp dramatically "You don't want my ass? Who doesn't want my ass?"

"It's weird to want your ass. You're literally like...like a brother"

Jimin's expression brightened "Aww Yoongi! I love you pregnant. You're much more sappier"

"Yeah yeah" Yoongi blushes slightly "Anyways, since when did you know you were pregnant?"

"It's currently August so...in May? My due date will be in February. And, I know it took a while for me to say something but, I was so scared to say anything. Even to my parents! But they're surprisingly okay with it" Jimin explained

"They weren't even in the slightest bit upset?"

Jimin shakes his head "They know the only person i'm with his Hoseok and they absolutely love Hoseok. So they're glad it's his baby. Besides, my parents had me when they were young so...I don't they're chill about something like this for some reason. What about you?"

Yoongi sighs "My mother was with me the day we all found out. She was shocked mostly. It was definitely something she didn't foresee me getting into. But, she said she loves and supports me no matter what." He then gulps "Now my father is a different story. I-I'm afraid to tell him. I don't want him to be disappointed in me"

Jimin sits closer to Yoongi and pats his back "I want to say that it'll be okay and he'll accept. But, when it comes to things like this...realistically parents do get angry or disappointed when their teenagers randomly get pregnant. It's really unpredictable...but I wish you the best!"

"Yeah... gee thanks" Yoongi said sarcastically

Jimin chuckles "So how far along are you?"

"I'm about two months and a half pregnant. My estimated due date will be in March I guess...around my birthday it seems" Yoongi said looking down at his hands in wonder

"You don't sound happy about that. Why? You don't want to possibly share a birthday with your baby? WOW Yoongi so selfish" Jimin shakes his head joking

"What? No it's not like that...well...maybe a little bit"

Jimin laughs "Why!? it would be fun to have two birthday parties in one"

"I guess that would be cute" Yoongi shrugs his shoulders

"By the way, now that you're pregnant with either Taehyung or Jungkooks kid...when are they're parents gonna know. Because honestly Yoongi... this complicates things even more!"

"Yeah no need to fucking remind me Jimin. And I don't know... they're parents are going to find out sooner or later. If they disapprove and i'll be forced to break up then....I guess i'll be single for the rest of my life" Yoongi said and fell back on the back staring at the ceiling deep in thought

Jimin smiles and hovers over Yoongi "Don't worry Yoongi, we can always raise our babies together. You, me, and Hoseok."



sorry this one is short. It's like a filler chapter.  Also, last chapter Hoseok was supposed to get shocked from the pregnancy news, and run out the cafeteria. This was for the sake of more drama
But, I totally forgot I wrote that in my notes. This chapter would've been longer if that happened lol

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