3. persistent

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Imagine Yoongi is speaking in English to his boyfriend Noah. He speaks Korean with his parents and everyone else in Korea.

It was the next day, and Yoongi was dreading his second day of school. He didn't want to see that kid that hit him with the ball. He also didn't want to see that kid that was being clingy. He didn't want to see any of the other students that were laughing at him. He didn't want to see the teachers that just gave him overbearing attention because he was new. Yoongi just wanted to be a fly on the wall. He didn't want to be seen by anyone and lay low.

He was now at school after a short walk, and slowly made his way to his homeroom. Again like yesterday, the room was chaotic. Paper flying everywhere, students running around, some sitting on desk as they talked to their friends, and there was a couple making out in the back. Yoongi just takes a deep breath and walks over to his seat. He sits down and takes out his math book since that's his first class of the day.

Just as he was reviewing his homework he felt a paper hit the back of his head. He turned around to see a group of students laughing at him. "Wow i'm surprised there's no knot on his head after that throw Jungkook threw"

"The way the poor kid fell. If I had my phone I would have filmed it and put it on tik tok. The amount of views it would have!" a male student laughed

Yoongi turned away and grumbled under his breath "Heartless fuckers"

"Oh? Do you think he understands us?" A female student asked "He knows Korean?"

"Everyone to your seats now!" The teacher suddenly came in the room and all the students went to their desk. Eventually classes started. But Yoongi's day wasn't as peaceful as he hoped it would be

Whenever Yoongi got called out in class. Students would make references to yesterdays incident. Like if Yoongi accidentally got a question wrong, someone said that he lost brain cells from being hit with the ball. It really annoyed Yoongi because it was the most immature thing to still laugh about. Also the kids just looked at him as a frail weak mama's boy.

It was now lunch time and Yoongi got in line. Thankfully no one bothered him and the lunch lady gave him a lot of food on his tray. Yoongi just gave her a small smile. He then looked around the room to see if there was as any empty tables. He scanned the room slowly and saw that there was a empty table near the peanut free section. Basically a section of the cafeteria where any students with serious food allergies can sit away from the others kids.

Yoongi sat down and silently started eating. He forgot his phone in his bag so he couldn't scroll on the internet. It was a peaceful lunch until he saw someone sit directly in front of him. Yoongi looked up to see that it was that ethereal kid from yesterday that wanted to help him.

"For fuck sake" Yoongi said under his breath

"Hello!" Taehyung said happily "Just wanted to sit with you since I thought you'd be lonely"

"I'm not lonely. I have me, myself, and I" Yoongi deadpanned

Taehyung suddenly laughs which surprised Yoongi "You're so funny"

"I'm serious...you don't need to sit here"

"Do you have a peanut allergy?" Taehyung ignored his last comment

Yoongi just sighs and takes more bites of food "No, just wanna be alone"

Taehyung gave him a lopsided smile "it's no fun being alone. I refuse to leave you alone"

"Oh great" Yoongi said sarcastically "What are you, the schools angel or some shit?"

"You know for someone who has such a cute face you sure do have a potty mouth"

Yoongi chuckled "Potty mouth? What are you, five?" So you're the school's innocent angel? Look..." he drops his chopstick on his tray "If you're talking with me because of some bet, or you're just trying to use me...then I suggest you stop now"

Taehyung looked at Yoongi surprised "Hm? Using you? Oh no no you're completely misunderstanding me Yoongi-ssi. I was really concerned for you. I know the other kids are making fun of you. But I-I'm truly so happy to have a new classmate. I figured you would at least want some comfort. I know how it feels, being all alone..."

Yoongi watched Taehyung closely and something in him told him to believe the kid. He didn't want any friends. But this kid was persistent. Yoongi figured he can entertain the kid a bit.

"Why? You don't have friends?" Yoongi asked "That's surprising"

Taehyung looked at him wide eyed "Oh no I do! It's just...I wanted to make sure you're okay."

Yoongi did a little cough and started blushing. He leaned his head downward and started gobbling up his food in embarrassment.

"But anyways I heard the kids making fun of you again. That stupid Jungkook, he always causes a chain reaction. You see, Jungkook comes from a super rich family and everyone looks up to him. That also includes the teachers. Can you believe that?" Taehyung scoffs

Yoongi didn't give any response and just ignored a rambling Taehyung

"But because of his wealth and social status, he tends to be very cocky. He's also super good at everything he does. He is the literal definition of Mr. Perfect."

Yoongi has a speculation that maybe Taehyung was jealous of Jungkook with the way he spoke about him. He thought both Jungkook and Taehyung were annoying. He never liked people that tried too heard to please others. He felt that there was something about them that was fake. As if they were hiding beneath a mask. Taehyung was definitely suspicious to him. Jungkook was definitely an asshole based off yesterdays incident, but at least he was outright about it.

"He tends to pick on those that are weak in his eyes. So that's basically....everyone. But it's okay i'm sure people will forget about the dodge ball incident. And again, I apologize on the behalf of Jungkook." Taehyung then did a formal bow

Yoongi looked up at Taehyung confused. He wanted to know why again Taehyung was apologizing for this kid. He was just talking shit about him and now he's claiming responsibility for him. It was indeed strange, but Yoongi didn't want to stick his nose where it doesn't belong. He wanted a peaceful school year after all.

"Hey maybe after school we can hang out!"

Suddenly the school bell rings and it was time for everyone to go back to their respective homerooms.

"No" is all Yoongi said and quickly got up leaving Taehyung sitting there surprised


It was now the end of the school day and Yoongi was happy. He quickly packed all of his things and made his way toward the front entrance of the school. That was when he suddenly remembered that his mother wanted pictures of his school. She texted him in the middle of the day asking for it. Yoongi thought it was strange. But, he knew she was a sentimental woman. She was probably going to use it for her scrapbook. She has a scrapbook that is mostly about Yoongi.

Anyone else would think it's cute to have a scrapbook for her own son. But for Yoongi it's embarrassing since she always shows her friends the most embarrassing childhood pictures that were in there. but Yoongi loved his mother to death so he'd do anything for her to be happy.

Yoongi decided to only take pictures of the outside of the school since he didn't want anyone to be alarmed at why he was taking pictures. He got the front entrance, and then he made his way toward the back where the large soccer field was. To get there, he has to walk in a small ally which was the school building and the school gate on both sides.

He thought all was well until he encounters Jeon Jungkook and his group of lackeys secretly smoking cigarettes on school grounds. Before he can turn away, someone had already caught on that they found Yoongi standing there.

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