18. An Awkward Trio

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It was nearly summer time and Yoongi was already tired from the heat. It was Saturday, Yoongi decided to visit Cafe Soop. Not only did he want to because it was a nice day to enjoy nature, but he needed to talk to Jungkook and Taehyung. It was finally time for the talk.

After Jimin helped him make a decision a couple days ago, Yoongi needed to speak to both of them. So Yoongi currently waits for the bus to arrive so that he can be in an air conditioned space.

It was about five more minutes later, the bus came and Yoongi was in his way through Cafe Soop. The goal for today was to help the two childhood friends hash out their misunderstandings. Of course Yoongi felt that it probably wasn't his place to do so, but he felt that the both of them needed some kind of push.

Communication was important in any type of relationship. When he use to have fights with Noah, they'd often make up because all it took was honesty. Of course that didn't come into play toward the end of their relationship. But overall Yoongi still sticks to the idea of communicating. It's something his parents taught him was important since he was very young.

After about an hour, Yoongi made it to the cafe. He walked up a small trail that lead to the cafe. The heat was intense, but overall nature was beautiful. Yoongi wasn't an active person. So the walking trail to the cafe was tiring. Jungkook was definitely right about this area being a hiking trail.

Eventually he made it to the open clearing of the giant wood cabin cafe. He opened the door and was hit with cool air that made him sigh in relief. There were a few customers sitting around and behind the giant cashier counter was who Yoongi remembered to be Kim Seokjin, Jungkooks brother. He was talking to some other man who has a his hair slicked back and was even taller than Jin. He walked over to them for a greeting. Well...out of breath greeting.

"H-Hello...It's nice...S-Seeing you again" Yoongi said trying to catch his breath from the walk

Seokjin looked at Yoongi concerned "Oh shit, are you okay sweetie? Do you need water? Joonie, go get a cup of water!"

Jin walked out from the behind the counter and lead Yoongi to a seat nearby. Not long after he was handed a glass of water which Yoongi shakily drank.

"Were you running a marathon?" The other taller man laughed and his dimples showed

Yoongi had to stop himself from glaring at the man "N-No...I was walking up here. But it's so hot outside...why're you guys located in the middle of fucking no where anyways!"

"You're Min Yoongi right? I remember when Jungkook bought you here" Jin said ignoring Yoongi's complaints

"Yeah I am. I came here today because i'm meeting with Jungkook and Taehyung"

Jin looked at him shocked "Seriously? You're gonna make them hang out? Wow"

"Yeah that's impressive. What did you do to convince them?" The dimpled man asked "Oh, by the way i'm Kim Namjoon. I'm Seokjin's husband. Jungkook's brother in law"

Yoongi gave a small smile "You were mentioned before. Nice to meet you. And to answer your question, I told them to come separately. They don't know that both are going to be here together"

Jin does a windshield wiper laugh "Whoa Yoongi you're doing Gods work!"

Yoongi sighed "I sure hope it ends well...but anyways, how'd you two meet?" he asked just to start random conversation while he waits

"Me and Joonie were set to be in an arranged marriage like Taehyung and Jungkook. The only difference was me and Joonie hated each other from the start" Jin explained as he amusingly looked at his husband

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