26. Tears and Gratitude

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He ran away. That's all Yoongi could do. He didn't want to hear anymore about his boyfriends life plans that didn't involve him. He didn't want to hear about how they're gonna be separated from him soon. His heart couldn't take it. So he ran out the beach house.

Yoongi didn't know where he was going. He just looked at the beach surrounding him, and he took in the scenery. This part of the beach apparently was a private being that it was part of the house property. So Yoongi ran further out to where he can see people and blend in. He didn't want anyone to find him. As bad as it sounds, he just wanted to wallow in self pity.

He walked along the shore thinking about how drastic his life has changed. Just a few months ago he was hating everything all because he didn't want to be apart from his ex-boyfriend and childhood friends. But now, he doesn't even think of them anymore. They don't care about him as much as he thought they did.

If he lost Taehyung and Jungkook all he will have is himself. Well, Jimin and Hoseok will be there. But, he had a feeling those two were soon close to getting together. And now Yoongi will be a loner, just like he wished for a few months ago. But the difference between then and now is...he didn't want to be alone anymore.

Yoongi didn't know for how long he was walking but the summer sky was starting to turn a darker blue. He couldn't check the time because his phone was inside the house. But Yoongi didn't care. He didn't want his friends and boyfriends calling him while he wallowed in self pity.

"psst young man" an older woman's voice called out from his right side

It was an old lady indeed. She was short and her hair all gray. She wore a blue sun dress and had a smile on her wrinkled face. She was just standing on the sand with her hands wrapped behind her back. Yoongi guessed she was just enjoying the sunset view.

"Y-Yes?" Yoongj

"Are you waiting for someone?"

"Oh uhh, no not really. I'm just...i'm just out here thinking" Yoongi said sadly

"Come with me, i'd like to give you something"

"Oh umm i-it's okay I should—"

"Come on" She said grabbing at his wrist "An old lady like me don't bite" she laughed

Yoongi followed her off the shore and they walked to the board walk. There were restaurants and stores along this way. The old woman lead him to what looked like a small desert store. The inside was only big enough to fit two small tables and then the counter space. She made Yoongi sit at one of the chairs and went behind the counter.

"I'll make you something special. It's something my daughter loves to eat when she's sad"

The woman took out a small bowl and started scooping ice shavings and various of other ingredients. She then stopped to look at Yoongi. "You don't have any food allergies do you?"

"No ma'am" He shakes his head

"Perfect" she smiles and continues to make her shaved ice concoction

When she was done she placed the bowl in front of Yoongi and pat his back "Here's cheesecake and almond bingsu"

Yoongi patted his pockets for his wallet. He cursed under his breath when he realized he didn't have his wallet with him either.

"I'm sorry ma'am but...I-I don't have my wallet to pay for it" he awkwardly laughs

"Don't worry about that. It was free for you anyways"

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