37. Needs

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It was during history class that Yoongi felt very needy and irritated. It was his mood swings making appearances. Taehyung sat next to Yoongj trying his best to pay attention in class and to Yoongi. He would whisper words of comfort in his boyfriends ears. He even sneaked Yoongi a granola snack he had in his bag.

"Tae Tae.... I just want small massage. My back is killing me" He whines

"I know babe but, we can do it later. I promise okay?"

Yoongi's stomach is getting bigger and so he's carrying more weight. Some of the students thought Yoongi was so adorable as he wore oversized clothes from his boyfriends and waddled around the school along with Jimin who also waddles around.

It was now lunch time and so the students got up from their chairs and made their way to the cafeteria. Jungkook was of course waiting outside of class 3-B classroom. Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Yoongi all greet him and they make their way to lunch.

Some of the students were being rowdy in the halls. Some boy nearly knocks himself into Yoongi but Jungkook was quick enough to grab the boy from his collar.

"Shit, it's Jungkook!" One of the boys friend said and ran off

Jungkook grabbed the boy that was about to run into Yoongi and glared at him. The boy was more frail and not as tall as Jungkook so he looked up scared.

"You nearly bumped into a my pregnant boyfriend. You have a death wish?" Jungkook growls

"Uhh N-N-No Jungkook sir I-I don't! I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention"

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Yoongi...now!" He yells making the boy cower in fear

The boy looked over at Yoongi and bowed "I-I'm sorry. I'll make sure to watch where I'm going next time!"

Yoongi raised an eyebrow "Err..it's okay. Sorry that Jungkook is being extra"

"I'm not being extra! This dumbass could've hurt you!"

"T-Thank you....I-I'll go now" the boy ran as fast as he could

Taehyung sighs "Cant you go a day without scaring someone?"

"Yeah and stop bullying the students right before my eyes but then...again. GOOD JOB MY MAN! We gotta protect our pregnant boyfriends" Hoseok said giving a high five

Jungkook smirks and gave Hoseok his high five. The five friends made it to the cafeteria and had a normal lunch.

warning: Smut

It was now after school and Yoongi was laying in bed. He really did want that massage that was promised to him earlier. He heard Taehyung and Jungkook outside the bedroom laughing and fooling around about something random.

"Guys!" He called out

Like obedient soldiers the cane running into their shared bedroom and stood by the foot of the bed. Yoongi laughs and shakes his head.

"I love you two, why are you both so cute" Yoongi beams

Jungkook and Taehyung immediately got onto the bed and lays down next to Yoongi, sandwiching him.

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