||𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬||

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•───────•°•❀•°•───────•Everyone in the Order stood guard with Harry and the Weasley's as they made their way to drop off their children and friends to the Hogwarts express

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Everyone in the Order stood guard with Harry and the Weasley's as they made their way to drop off their children and friends to the Hogwarts express. Sirius as a dog stood beside the couple as he went along even farther. "Pad foot are you barking mad? You'll blow the entire operation!" Mad eye yelled in a whisper. As they went down the stairs Sirius opened a door and went inside to transform to his old self. Harry ran downstairs and closed the door so no one would see or hear what was happening. "Sirius what are you doing here? If someone sees you then-" "I had to see you off didn't I?" Harry smiled at what he said. "What's life without a little risk?" He said as they both sat down. "I don't want you to be banished the Azkaban again" he said with worry. "Oh don't worry about me, Harry. Anyways." He paused and opened his jacket and dug his hand in a pocket inside, he pulled out a photograph folded up. "I wanted you to have this." He said giving it to Harry. Harry unfolded the picture. "The original Order of The Phoenix." He pointed to towards a young women. "That's Marlene Mackinnon, she was killed two weeks after this was taken. Voldemort wiped out her entire family," he then pointed to another happy couple.

"Alice and Frank Longbottom," "Neville's parents." Replied Harry. "They suffered a fate worse than death if you ask me. It's been 14 years still a day doesn't go by I'd miss your Dad, or Alexander Y/N's father." Harry starred at the photo with sadness. "Do you really think there's going to be another way Sirius?" He asked. "It feels like it did before..." he responded. Harry folded the photo and handed it Sirius while he pushed it back. "You keep it, anyway I suppose you the young ones now." He said.

They had finally made it to the train station, after the coast was clear the ran into the wall and went through to the Hogwarts express train station. "Do you think this year will be quiet Ace?" Y/N asked her owl out of boredom.


"You really don't think so? So negative."


"Don't look at me like that, I know these last years have been...interesting. But now is not the time the talk about that. It's fresh start since Beauxbatons, I know you hated it there."


"Fair enough Ace.."

"Were you just talking to you're owl?" Harry asked walking beside her. "No...maybe...?" She said embarrassed. "Fine this year I'm nervous, these years so far have been terrible I just want a nice normal year at school." Harry just laughed while she looked at him with confusion. "What's so funny?" She asked. "Well excuses, like one you're dating me a very problematic person to be around, second you're friends with me can get you into problems." Y/N scoffed. "Ok fine but I want to spend time together more, I Haven't seen you all summer Harry." She said passing Ace to the person collecting luggage and pets. "I've only been trying to see my cousin, poor thing was stuck all alone last year. Those bullies never get to her though."

As they finished helping the man they walked together to the doors of the train and sticking together by holding hands. "Ok then I promise to spend more time together not to much time for our friends. And when we have time, a picnic by the lake some flying through the Quidditch Pitch. How does it sound?" He asked. "Fun, I can't wait to be with you this year." As Harry helped her into the train and pulled himself up they went to look for their friends in the cart. Now all they have to do was wait for the seven to eight hour ride to be over.

When they got off they barley missed the last carriage taking them to the castle. As the three of them started into the darkness Neville walked up to their side. "Hey guys." "Hey Neville." They all said.

A sting, that was what Y/N felt on her cheek. She held her hand against her scar and turned back to hear something rattling. Another carriage has come their way. "Oh how lovely." 

She whispered going up to the horse like creature. "What is it?" Harry asked the rest were confused. "What's what? Ron asked. "That! pulling the carriage!"

"Nothing is pulling the Carriage guys, it's pulling itself like always." Hermione said. As Y/N and Harry went their way towards the small steps of stairs they are met with a dirty blonde haired girl reading a magazine upside down. "You're not going mad...I can see them too."

•───────•°•❀•°•───────• Y/N knew that voice anywhere

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Y/N knew that voice anywhere. She looked up to see Luna Lovegood. "Luna!" She said immediately going up the carriage. As they all sat down awkwardly "everyone this is Loony-" a kick towards Hermione was felt on her leg. Y/N looked at her with anger and a shaking head. "Luna Lovegood." The silence was loud. "What an Interesting necklace." Hermione said awkwardly. "Thank you. It's a charm actually. Keeps away nargles." They all started at each other. "So Y/N how do you know Luna?" Hermione asked. "Oh she's a relative of mine." She answered. "What?!" They all exclaimed. "My mother and Y/N's mother were sisters born with different fathers explains how different our last names are but yet similar." Luna answered. They all wondered how could a popular girl like Y/N be related to a girl who gets bullied and food thrown at her. "Hungry...I hope there's pudding." She said to Y/N across from her. "Pudding does sound delicious!" Harry leaned towards her putting his head on her shoulder. "What's a nargle?" He whispered. "No idea." She answered. As the carriage began to move Harry up his arm around her waist for support while his small nap on her.

Luna Lovegood and Y/N Loveblood have finally reunited.



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Bueno! Sorry for the late update and short story! That's my fault I actually got  a positive result for COVID but when I tested at school it came out negative so I had enough time to write this. (btw I'm negative took a at home test) 🥶💪. I'm sorry I'll update as much as I can! Also Happy 2022! Even though this year has been a pain in the ass. Ok I've been keeping you here for to long! Any Grammar or Spelling Mistakes please tell me! Adios!

𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬*ೃ༄|| Harry Potter x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now