Chapter 32

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Remee's hand tightened around mine, as if to assure me, but I quickly realized that she was actually frightened. She wasn't the only one. I was also scared beyond belief at the storm swirling around us and the black-eyed Mr.Tiny standing in the center. However, being together seemed to ease each other's fears. 

It wasn't long before Remee remembered whose hand she was holding though. In an effort to not appear weak, she snatched her hand away. "So, how are we going to defeat HIM?" she crossly snapped at me, but it wasn't filled with hatred like before. More like she was trying to fool herself that she wasn't scared like I was.

"I'm not exactly sure..." I muttered as I scanned our oponet over. 

"Great." Remee rolled her eyes and stood with a hand on her hip.

Ignoring her sarcastic comment, I tried to figure out Mr.Tiny's weakness. From what I could tell, he looked like an adverage person---except for the obvious supernatural happenings that were occurring around him. He dressed oddly, but that didn't reveal anything that could help us. Then there was that creepy organ shaped watch that ticked like a human heart. Mr.Tiny was still clutching it in his left hand as he waited for us to attack him. He had stopped laughing some time ago, leaving us to the silence and our thoughts, which was ultimately proving to be more creepy than when he was laughing. 

The Vampires and Vampanese around us had all backed up away from us, afraid of getting in our way. That didn't mean that none of them hung around. The older, more experienced of either side were the ones standing closer to the fight, wanting to watch history unfold. Ironically, the young ones were hiding behind rocks or trees, preparing for the worst and frightened for their lives. They peeped out from their hiding places now and then, even afraid to stick their heads out in fear of having them chopped off.

"I don't suppose you know any of his weaknesses?" I turned to Remee, hoping for any bit of information she could give me.

She gave a mock laugh before answering. "If he had any, he didn't share them with me." 

Great, I thought to myself, feeling as sarcastic as my twin did right now. We were up against an oponet who didn't have any weaknesses and who could possibly be immortal. From the way the Vampires had spoken about him, he'd been around forever and would continue until someone got the courage to strike him down. 

"Maybe this will help." A familiar, masculine voice spoke up from behind me.

When I turned around, Shan was standing behind me, holding out Seba Nile's sword to me. I took it from him, although I could have fought without it.

"What are you doing?" I asked, wondering why he of all people would stand with my sister and I.

"I have some…." Darren paused to think for an appropriate word. "past…..grudges against Mr.Tiny."

Behind us, Mika, Arrow and my father, Vancha, separated themselves from the crowd of Vampires. They were coming to aid us, if that was even possible, not because it was their duty as princes, but because they wanted to. The only other vampire that came up with them was Arra, who always got a thrill out of a fight. On the Vampanese side, a similar thing was happening. The Lord of the Vampanese had produced a sword and had stepped out of the lines of his comrades. Along with him was the kind one that had overseen my time as a hostage. Although outwards he was very tall and displayed large muscles, his uncertain expression told me that he wasn't a fighter at heart. He did what he was told.

"I see how it is." Remee muttered sarcastically when everyone had gathered, weapons in hand. "I guess I'm not going to defend myself when Tiny over their decides to go berserk on us."

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