Chapter 24

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I didn't want to sound rude, but, my mother was the ugliest woman I'd ever seen and would probably ever meet. 

The way that black scraggily hair covered her from head to foot completely grossed me out. It was even making my own skin iching for a razor blade and with a sigh, I realized that I hadn't had that luxury of that since I'd left civilization. I dreaded thinking about how harry my legs might be with as much time that had gone by for the hairs to grow.

And my mother's clothing! Those ropes looked wrapped around her body like a tube top and a matching skirt, but it looked anything but comfortable. The material was fraying and that was sure to cause iritation to the skin. Speaking of skin, she had tons of it. She was border-line obese with floppy under arm fat and bulging belly. I shuddered at the sight of her and I just didn't see how she could stand it all.

Which is why when the others moved into the room to see if they could try and snap her out of her trance, I remained at the doorway.

"Evanna?" Vancha asked her tentatively as he placed a hand on her harry shoulder. My mom didn't even flinch at the touch and remained silent. The Vampire Prince tried again. "Evanna my sweet?" he called, daring to shake her the tiniest bit.

She continued to do nothing but stare at the ground, hunched over with her arms in her lap in the wooden chair. Defeated for the moment, my father stepped back to let Shan take his place.

"Evanna." He spoke in a simple, commanding voice that would grab her attention. However, it still didn't look like she was listening. "We need your help," he continued, ignoring the fact that she was numb to what he was saying, "Mr.Tiny is staging another war between the races, using your daughters. Yes, you heard me, they have been found. In fact, one is standing before you now." Darren tried to keep an upbeat tone in his voice, but it started to sag towards the ending.

My mother didn't budge an inch or speak during any of his words. She sat there, her eyes dark pools of swirling grey I took to be ominious.


"The sun is rising." A Vamapnese warned, looking frightened of the color that was peering over the edge of the Earth. 

"I realize that." I replied calmly. "However, I don't really care because I don't burn up in the sunlight unlike you weaklings!" I shouted over my shoulder, not bothering to look at any of their ugly mugs.

We continued to march down a street of a adverage neighborhood lined with cars on either side. Houses were filled with sleeping persons, unaware of the threat right outside their homes. The only exception was the one at the very end of the street, a two story painted robin egg blue to set it apart from the other houses. Of course, it had been neglected and so the paint was chipped and the driveway was coated in a thin sheet of ice. 

How I survived there as an innocent, stupid, girly girl I'll never know, I thought to myself as I neared my old home. My feet left the street and took it's first step onto the abandoned property. I noted that there were yellow ripped pieces of what remained of the caution tape the police must have used sticking out of the snow on the yard. The door was even partially wrapped up with the stuff. 

As soon as the law had came to investigate the scene, they'd left. Cases with particularly strange elements were always cast aside for a 'later time' that never came. A lucky few ended up on strange detective shows nowadays that went back and tried to solve thirty-year old mysteries. But there was nothing to go back and find for my case. Supernatural forces were at work here and more than half the human population didn't believe in them. 

"What are we...." the leader of the little Vampanese band began to mutter.

"Halt!" I ordered, causing all of them to stop at once in fear of what would happen if they didn't. They gazed at the house and back at the sunrise, hoping that this was our resting spot for the day. I turned to address them as I stood in front of the door. "Now, whatever you do children," I told them softly like I was speaking to a bunch of kindergardeners, " do not push, stumble, scream, panic, or try to stab yourself on the way through." I instructed them before turning back around to face the door.

I opened it up in a swift movement, revealing a twisting portal in the doorframe instead of a room on the other side. Sometimes it was spinning top with green and yellow and then it would shift to repeated patterns like a kaleidoscope. Ever changing, it never showed what was at the other end of the tunnel.

Mr.Tiny had designed it specifically so intruders wouldn't survive the trip through for a reason that would soon become obvious to the men standing behind me. He had connected his home base to my old house, making it easier for me to go to him instead of the other way around. 

The Vampanese behind me only stared at the swirling and multiplying colors until I spoke up. "Ladies and....more ladies, I need a volunteer." I spoke cheerfully to the crowd of frightened creatures. One of them in the front took a reflexive step back. "Thank you for stepping up!" I cried happily, grabbing his wrist and forcing him in front of me. "Have a nice trip!" I called, pushing him directly into the alternating pattern. "and don't forget to close your eyes and cover your ears!" I shouted after him, purposely saying it too late so he wouldn't hear.

His Vampanese companions went stiff when they heard screams of agony coming from the portal.

"So, who's next?" I asked the crowd, spinning on my heel to face them again.


We stayed up after the daytime trying to make my mother stir. But no matter what we did, it seemed she would always remain silent and glued to that chair. I had sort of stood back, watching Darren, Vancha, and Mr.Crepsley's failed attempts of trying to get her to speak. They had eventually coaxed me into saying a few words for her, but there still wasn't a single result. 

Slowly, it was only Vancha and Shan talking to my mom. The rest of us had settled down to get some rest and try again when we were wide awake. I settled up against the wall, using it as a place to rest my head. 

I never thought those hours would go so fast because when I awoke, Savannah and most of the others were awake too. According to my best friend, who had been the only one awake to check outside if it was safe for the vampires, sunset had been an fifty minutes ago.

Finally, Darren gave up. "It's useless standing around here trying to rouse her." He said in defeat. "We'll be wasting time if the Vampanese are already moving. The best thing we can do now is return to Vampire Mountain and come up with a different strategy." he told us.

Everyone started to move towards the door, except for Vancha who had to wake his still-snoozing apprentive. Caspian was sprawled out on the floor, snoring softly with a bit of drool going down the side of his mouth. His mentor kicked him in the side hard enough to shock him awake. My barely-clothed friend braced himself up against the wall until he remembered where he was. His muscles relaxed and he whipped the salavia off his face with a hand while getting to his feet.

All the time, I was going out the door beside my friend Savannah. I was particuarly ticked off that my so-called mother wouldn't do anything to help us. That she was too busy mourning to care about anyone but herself.

"Some mother you are!" I shouted over my shoulder as I stepped into the moonlit night, hoping that she had at least heard that of all things.

My best friend only looks at me in concern, but I didn't have anything to say. I had gotten all I had wanted to say to my mom off my chest.

Cirque Du Freak // Daughters of FateWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt