Chapter 5

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Somewhere out in the audiance, a woman squeeked from taking in a breath too fast.

The wolf man flinched, roared, and jumped off the stage right at her.

My reaction was a split second decision. I knew that I could trance normal people and that I had the power to save this woman's life. Was a beast that much different? I reached my mind out to his and connected before he could strike her.

He hung still in front of her, one clawed hand outstretched to her. The woman sucked in a quieter breath, and pulled back from the beast, trying to put as much distance between the two of them as possible.

I found that his mind was a bit more difficult to control, subjected to sudden outbursts of rage, but not that hard. He struck random places in my mind barrier with his mind, but they didn't even make a dent. If he was smarter he would know to focus on one point and attack there, not all over the place.

In order to hold my focus though, I had to remain absolutely still as if I was in his place. I was vaguely aware that Savannah who was onto what I was doing, but I waited for one of the show girls to take control. One of them eventually did, hurrying down from the stage to the wolf man's side. I eased my release on him until I was sure that she had him in her power.

She made the beast get back onto the stage using the steps. I was shocked to see the other show girl, the one who unlocked the cage, staring at me with wide eyes. When my eyes met hers however, she imediately looked away. After the creature was returned to the cage did they dare talk.

"I think that's enough of the wolf man." the show girl who had stared at me said as if she was horrified.

The wolf man's cage was carefully covered back up and pulled away by ropes attatched to it. Wheels had been on the bottom of it the whole time and I had overlooked them. It was eeriely silent as everyone waited for the next act.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Cirque Du Freak, home of the world's most remarkable human beings." came a familiar voice.

It was the tall man once again. His voice was a bit shakey as if something was bothering him, then relaxed into the rhythm of years of practice.

"We are an ancient circus. We have toured for five hundred years, bringing the grotesque to generation after generation. Our lineup has changed many times, but never our aim, which is to astound and terrify you! We present acts both frightening and bizarre, acts you can find nowhere else in the world."

Then his tone suddenly changed as if fearing great danger.

"Those who are easily scared should leave now. I'm sure there are people who came tonight thinking that this was a joke,"

At this Savannah and I stared at each other, then returned our attention to the tall man.

"...Maybe they thought our freaks would be people in masks, or harmless misfits." he raised his pointer finger in the air."This is not so! Every act you see tonight is real. Each performer is unique. And none are harmless."

(Credit to Mr.Tall's speech goes to the real Author of the Cirque Du Freak Series, Darren Shan!)

At the end of his speech he walked off to the side.

"Presenting Sive and Seersa, The Twisting Twins!" he announced, then left the stage.


Two people came dancing gracefully onto the stage on cue, spinning on their toes once ever so many steps. They did this until they met at the center of the stage. This act was rather strange. They twisted around each other until they looked like a single person with no back and two fronts and vice versa. It was intresting to watch them, but they were just plain

Cirque Du Freak // Daughters of FateWhere stories live. Discover now