Chapter 12

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Remee  (recap)

I stumble back in shock, staring at my hands. Something at the corner of my vision attracts my eyes, so I look to see what's on my left. The hallway mirror hangs there and on the surface is my reflection.

The person looking back at me has red eyes.

Eyes of blood.

I become paralyzed at the image, staring almost hypnotically back at myself. Not only is there splatters of blood on the walls and Mat, they're all over me too. I take two steps back into the opposite wall and press myself up against it, staring in horror at myself. 

What have I done? What have I done? What have I done?

That question echoes through my head, again and again until I can't stand the person looking back at myself in the mirror. I run screaming to the stairs, which I find covered in blood too. There's no way that this can be happening, I say to myself. I was living an adverage life, with parents who loved me even though I wasn't their child. I try to forget Callie's bloodied door as I race down the steps to the first floor.

My feet freeze as soon as I reach the doorway to the living room. The tv is still on, but the screen is all fuzzy. The buzz fills the sound of the room. I soon realize that it's the only sound in the room.

I walk slowly forward, in effort to see my parents in their lounging chairs. The wooden floor creaks underneath my bare feet. Almost imediately, I stop. I've stepped into something slick and wet. My gaze drops down to see what it is.

I'm standing in a puddle of blood.

Oh my God, I'm standing in a puddle of blood.

I back up instantly, back onto the dry floor but the bottom of my feet have already been drenched in the awful stuff. The tv threw my vision off, but now I see clearly that my parents are both stomach down on the floor----dead.

I continue to go backwards until I find myself back into the dark bottom of the stairs. Seeking escape, I turn back to the stairs and climb back up them. Mat is still trembling in the corner of the hallway. He starts to shake uncontrolably as I approach him, but he's not my goal. I hope that above all, Callie is safe. She was the only one I truely cared about, as I got along equal with Luara and Bruce. I almost find myself thinking 'when they were alive' but I stop myself. I can't think like that now.

I push my little sister's door open wide to find the bedroom is fine. There's no sign of blood anywhere. Callie is even sleeping peacefully on her bed as moonlight filters into her room. I want to make sure that she's alright, so I move closer to the bed. I end up sitting down beside her.

My hand touches her arm. It's really cold. Even colder than a normal person's body temperature. That's when I realize that the covers around her, as she sleeps on top of them, are soaked in a deep red. There's a mark on her neck, but other than that, she hasn't been tampered with. Callie's sleeping peacefully in death, her blonde ringlets like a pillow around her face. She almost looks like a porcelain doll with her round face and rosy cheeks.

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