Chapter 33

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The black goo stained the white snow an iky purplish color that didn't look friendly. I made an effort not to step in it as I rose to my feet to stand by my sister. All around us, Vampanese and Vampires were peeking their heads out from their hiding spots.

But the fight wasn't over yet.

The goo began hissing, turning into a blackish vapor that rose up into the sky above us. It transformed into a some-what solid cloud. The cloud began swirling and a tornado touched down onto the ground. It made it hard for me to see as my white hair whipped around in my face. What I could tell though, was that the cloud was being sucked back down to the ground by the twister, forming back into the familiar figure we thought we had defeated.

When Mr.Tiny was himself again he clucked his tongue at us. "Dear children, did you really think that you could defeat me that easily?" He sung sweetly to us in a sick and twisted tone. "I gave you a fair warning. I told you---I'm sure you'll be in a bit of surprise when your swords pierce my flesh.---Well, are you frightened now?"

No one spoke or dared to move. We were all paralyzed that he managed to survive a fatal blow. Not even Vampires or Vampanese were immortal. Sure, they had extended lifetimes, but no one had ever met a creature that was truely indistructable before. 

"I'll take that as a 'Yes'. " Mr.Tiny grinned satisfyingly. "Now, I'm all sure you know what parents must do when they have naughty children. And all of you have been anything but obedient." He looked around the field.  "I think it's about time I teach all of you a lesson."

A shadow came out of his hand faster than I could comprehend, but I managed to sense it in time to pull Remee towards me with my telekinesis. The purplish black shadow lashed air and slurped back to its source. Mr.Tiny had a frown on his face as he stared at my sister and I. What he was focused more on, was me. He turned towards us and began walking like he was on a stroll. Again, the heart shaped watch was in his right hand. I couldn't figure out his obession with it, but I knew it had to be of some importance to him.

"I thought I could manipulate you two just like the boys." Mr.Tiny admitted to us, his head cocked to the side. His freakish all-black eyes made him look even more unhuman. "But it turns out that girls are even harder to control than boys!" He shouted in outrage, his face going red. As quickly as the anger had came though, it faded. "It's either that or you inherited your disobedient streak from your mother. That has to be it. Your mother. I'll just have to take care of her once I'm done here." he thought out loud to himself, trying to intimidate us.

Remee didn't look impressed at his little speech. Actually, she looked more bored than anything. She gave a small, fake yawn. "Keep yacking your face off as long as you want Gramps."

This truely enraged Des Tiny. Black lines from his eyes crawled out of his sockets and made it look like there were cracks all around his face. I was about to wonder if he was going to implode and send out all the black smoke out of his body. Objects all around us, like rocks and trees, were torn from their places and started hovering over the ground. I felt myself get lighter. It was if gravity was giving out on us.

"You'd rather see my power then, is that it?" Mr.Tiny asked Remee furiously. "Do you see it now?!" He cried, his voice warping deep, unnatural pitch. Our feet left the ground and we started drifting upwards without anything to hold us in place. Mr.Tiny reached his hand out towards us and our swords were stolen from our grasp. In fact, everyone who had a sword on him suddenly found that it was flying towards the bald man. The collected swords melted together and formed a clump of ore. "How about now?" He asked my twin.

With no gravity, we could only float and do nothing in response. Mr.Tiny litterally held us in the palm of his hand. If he wanted to kill us, he could. There was no stopping him. Even so, I didn't want to go down without a fight. Using my telekinesis, I reached out towards the objects above us with both hands, then swept my arms down to my side. The result was that I moved upward while the objects remained where they were. I had found a way to move, now all I had to do was find a way to inflict damage on Mr.Tiny.

I almost forgot about Remee until I saw one of Des Tiny's shadow whips heading for her. With no way to move out of the way, she was helplessly in its path. At the last moment, I yanked her up with me. She continued to float upward with her momentum, arms crossed and eyes narrowed at me.

"We're sitting ducks! What are we suppose to do against him now?" Remee asked me, gesturing with her arms.

I pulled her to the side with me as two shadow whips tried to grab our legs. "Get close enough to fight?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Any OTHER ideas?" She raised her eyebrow at me, waiting to hear another option.

"Not really." I frowned.

"Ugggghhhhh!" Remee moaned, fed up with our situation as another shadow whip reached for us.

I moved us out of its range, but another one had been hiding in wait, streching itself out and around to our backs. I accidently moved us towards it without knowing and its sticky tentical-like arm wrapped around me first. Once I was caught, the other moved in and captured Remee. The two shadow-arms held us high up in the air for all to see.

The corner's of Mr.Tiny's lips curled inwards at the sight of the two of us in his possession. As his smile widdened, the shadows tightened their grips around our middles. They had wrapped around my arms, pinning them to my sides, so I couldn't even use the braces Arra had made for me. All I could do was try and suck in one quick breath after the other as the shadow-arms closed in.

"I'd say that it would be a shame to kill you two," Mr.Tiny looked sinisterly, "but that wouldn't be right. Without you in my way, I'll be free to carry out my plans." He rubbed his heart shaped watch with his thumb. "Time to say goodbye to your mortal lives."

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