Chapter 15

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"...Don't understand why I can't wear boots.." I muttered to myself as I trudged behind Darren and Crepsley.

I guess they didn't care how far I got away from them as long as they could hear I was going in the same dirrection. The two vampires walked ahead of me as if the road was made out of soft blankets. My feet however, were sore, worn, blistered, cut up, and felt like I'd been walking on hot coals all day. They healed quickly, but it stil hurt. And this was just day three of traveling by foot. According to Mr.Crepsley, we still had another week ahead of us.

Today, we were walking down a dirt road but every now and then I'd step on the stray pebble or pointy stick. The air was cold, but bearable for now. Later in the trip, we'd get to see snow. I'd argued with Darren when he told me that I couldn't pack any extra clothing to keep myself warm. Only what I wore was allowed. So I'd left my performance outfit back at the Cirq and worn my everyday one. It included a pair of ripped jeans, a white longsleeve sweater, and a black jacket.

The scenery started to bore me as I walked and no one spoke, so I tried doing one of those counting games. Trees was too easy to do, so I countered how many foxes we passed. I was just up to four when I realized someone was following us. Scratch that, several persons were following us.

"Hey...!" I went to warn the other guys.

"Shh!" Crepsley hushed me.

It took me a moment to figure out that they already knew. My counting game had distracted me from the only action from miles. The two men stood still as they tried to listen for their enemies. Although vampire eyes can see better in the dark than humans, they're still weak in some ways. They need the moonlight to light the path. I on the other hand, could see as clear as day. It didn't take me long to spot the four trackers who thought they had the upper hand.

Using my telekinesis, I made one of them fling into the tree only three feet in front of them. I let him go and he stumbled on his feet falling down. Crepsley and Darren didn't seem too thrilled that I had made the first move, but were satisfied that the sides were even now. They went off to fight in hand to hand combat with the enemies because of another stupid rule that said they couldn't carry guns or other such long distance devices. 

The third guy who tried to fight me ended up slipping on the leafy ground, with a little help from my powers, and landed flat on his back. He grunted from the initial shock, but he managed to get back on his feet again. I became confused at his fast recovery.

"They're Vampanese!" Darren called over his shoulder, as if he had read my mind. I sure hoped he couldn't.

I had no fighting skills whatsoever, but at least I had my telekinesis powers and my claws to keep my opponet from coming too close to me. What I wasn't counter for, was that the Vampanese didn't hold to the same rules as the Vampires. 

Something hit the back of my head hard and I went down. Thankfully it was a blunt weapon only meant to stun me and I didn't suffer any injury, but I was disorrientated long enough for the third man to come up and grab my legs. He started dragging me down the road. Crepsley and Darren were busy fighting for their lives with the other two Vampanese and couldn't come to my rescue. My head thrummed from dizziness and I could barely see anything. There was no way I could get myself out of this situation.

In the blurriness, I saw a shape fall down from...the sky? trees? I couldn't tell, but they landed right on the man pulling me away. He fell to the ground under the weight of the mysterious person. When my vision cleared, I jumped up and hugged them.

"I so hate you right now for not listening to me, but then again I forgive you!" I shouted out in joy as I squeezed my friend Savannah.

She squeezed me back harder and then spoke."You couldn't get rid of me that easily."

A sigh came from near us and I turned to see two tired and weary vampires looking at us.

"As much as I'm thankful that you helped us out, you can't come with us Savannah." Darren told her.

"But I followed the rules!" my friend cried out.

I imediately looked down at her feet. She was traveling barefoot and her toenails looked a little sharp.

"Is that how you climbed the tree?" I asked.

"I was in the trees the entire time." She admitted proudly with her hands on her hips."It's not as hard as it looks......well, for me at least." she added.

Mr.Crepsley and Darren looked at each other."If you would excuse us ladies." The older vampire said before the two walked off down the path some and started to talk softly to each other.

I watched them for a while and then turned back to my friend.

"I don't know why they bother. Both of us have superhearing anyways." Savannah rolled her eyes sarcastically."So how's the back of your head?" She asked as we waited for them to return.

"Better, but still a bit sore." I rubbed it lightly.

"Hmm, I guess that's good compared to when you first got hit." She shrugged.

We didn't have much to talk about, other than the last three days of travel. The two vampires talked until they realized they were waisting precious night time.

"It is decided that Savannah may travel with us as long as she obeys the rules." Mr.Crepsley announced when they joined us again.

"Woohoo!" My friend cried out and did a fist pump.

I sighed at her craziness. She just grinned at me and I couldn't help but smile a little bit back.

With the vampires wanting to get to a shelter before sunrise, we continued down the path. They walked ahead of us, eager to get out of the open.


"And your report?" Steve, the Vampire Lord, asked a returning subject of his.

"We've found her twin." the Vampanese soldier grunted."But at the loss of four of our men in the process."

"Who cares? Just move onto the part where you tell where my sister is." I interrupted, waving my hands about.

Steve looked at the man which signaled him to speak.

"It seems they are on their way to Vampire Mountain. Darren Shan the Vampire Prince is personally escorting her." the soldier replied.

The Vampire Lord's eyes cast down as he considered his options.

I made it for him before he could speak."Just take however many men you need and distract the vampires without killing them. I can take care of my sister before they know what happened." 

"Yes Mistress." The man bowed and walked away.

"I wish you would wait for my opinion before you go ordering them around." Steve grunted from his throne to my right, resting his head on his hand.

I sat on my own throne that was just the slightest bit smaller than his. It was the same dark wood and alpostered with worn scarlet material. The chair could have been a matching set to the one Steve sat on long ago, but it looked like someone had put it in storage for a hundred years. The Vampire Lord's looked brand new, which ticked me off a little, but not enough to do anything about it. My full attention was being spent focusing on my sister.

She was so going to pay when I caught up with her.

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