Chapter 19 Part 2

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Part 2


Darren found a couple of empty rooms so that we could change into our new clothes. I went into mine carrying the large garment bag in my own hands. It would have been heavy for a human girl, but to me it weighed nothing. Once inside, I closed the door and laid the bag out upon the bare floor. My fingers found the zipper and I pulled on the tab, dragging it downwards.

Before my eyes was revealed a stunning black and scarlet dress. The top had a black collar that would go around my neck and spiderweb-like string ran down to the dress itself. The outer edge of the top, which was a zig-zag pattern that attached to the strings, was lined in smooth scarlet fabric. The rest of the dress was silky black fabric that clung to my body except for the skirt that elegantly flowed off. The edges of the long sleeves and bottom skirt were ragged, but I think the look was intentional.

The dress also came with matching spiderweb stalkings to wear on my legs. Each of these things I pulled on and was surprised to find out the long sleeves had spiderweb gloves sewn into them. The fingers of the gloves had been cut off though, with the exception of the middle finger where a spider ring sat upon. In the bottom of the bag sat a pair of knee-high boots trimmed in red, but black just like the dress. I put those on last.

For my hair, I decided to put them in two low pigtails set on either side of my head. There was no mirrors, so I couldn't check my look. After trying to sort things out by what I could see, I eventually gave in that I looked fine and decided to leave the unihabited room. I threw my old clothing in the empty garment bag left it in the corner.

When I opened the door, Shan's eyes grew big.

"What?" I asked, hands on hips and giving him a look.

"You look...uh, nice." He commented clumsily.

I couldn't tell if he was stuttering because I looked nice or if he was developing feelings for me. Anyways, I sighed to myself. "So when's the party?" I asked.

"It isn't for a few more hours." He told me, standing akwardly in his black tux. It had a white shirt under that had lines going acrossed it---just like spiderwebs. I wondered if Seba had wanted us to look like a matching pair."But in the mean time, I'll give you the tour so you can find your way around tonight." Darren said and began to walk.

I walked along beside him off to his right, which I think made him even more nervous. Shan was lucky that it was only me strolling beside him and Savannah was off resting. If she was here, she would have been taking every possible chance to make him blush. Of course, I'd probably blush too and then she'd laugh about it. This was one time that I was happy she was down for the count.

Darren led me to different halls, stating their names that I found hard to remember, and listing their uses. One of the rooms I had no trouble remembering was "The Hall of Death". There was no way I was going into that one and Shan seemed happy to oblige. We walked swiftly passed it and moved onto the next place. 

As we slowly went around, I began to see a change in scenery. Pumpkins that had been carved were set up with flickering candles on in the ground. Streamers were being hung up in doorways and across cielings. The scent of spice filled the mountain cave. The Festival was only minutes away from starting.

"I'll leave you in the hall near the dinning room." Darren, said, the quickly apologized for his need to leave imediately."Sorry, but there are Prince-like duties that I need to preform before the party kicks off." Without another word, but a second worried glance back, he walked off.

Up to now, I'd noticed a few stares in my dirrection. It was rare, according to Seba, that there were female vampires. But I knew that wasn't why they were staring. I wasn't even a full vampire. I was an odd combination of vampire, vampanese, and something else. They'd heard the rumors that I'd arrived and now I was the elephant in the room. Everyone was curious about me, but wasn't going to say a word while I was around.

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