Chapter 7

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"We'd like to join the circus." Savannah said, having more courage than me to talk to strangers.

I always said that she would get kidnapped one day for being too friendly to people. She said that it was good that she was my friend, or I'd be holed up in my room back at the orphanage. We balanced each other out in all ways.

"Two young girls such as you?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes please." Savannah replied.

"We don't accept just anybody into the circus. Neither do we accept normal people." He clearified.

"I can assure you, we're not your adverage teenage girls." my friend said with a bit of humor in her voice.

The tall man eyed us for a while, then decided to at least hear us out.

"What about your parents or guardians?" He asked.

"Don't have any. We live at an orphanage." Savannah said right away.

"I can't adopt..." He began, but my friend inturrupted.

"No need to. We set up some fake forms that are fool proof. The government wouldn't suspect a thing." She said quickly.

"In that case, what can you do? What are your talents?" the tall man asked.

"Does this count as a talent?" Savannah asked.

At her words, she unsheathed her claws. Her fingernails sharpened to a point and extended two inches.

"I'm a Mai." She began."They're supposively descendents of Cat gods during the time of the Aztecs. The Mai were born with cat like attributes like claws, kitten teeth, and cat-like eyes. Along with that come their reflexes and speed."

I was impressed on how easy it was for her to spill everything about herself to a complete stranger. So was the tall man.

"Impressive." He said, then his eyes flashed quickly at me."What about your friend?"

"She's an Alp. They're kind-of like vampires in the way that they drink blood and that they're super strong. But other than that they're completely different. She can trance people into doing whatever she wants them to do if they have a weak mind." Savannah explained for me, and I felt guilty that she was doing everything."Oh, and she can use telekinesis. And she can mimic female voices." She added.

"I've never heard of Alps before..." He thought out loud."Can she really mimic voices?" the tall man wondered.

"And I can mimic female voices." I said, sounding just like Savannah. This was the most I could get myself to talk.

"Evonne, remove your hood." Savannah prompted me.

"....Fine, I'll do it." I replied back to her, using her voice.

I lifted my hands up to the top ridge of the jacket on either side of my face and pulled it away. I let it fall the rest of the way to my back, feeling my long hair follow it on its way down. His eyes were sure to be glued on my hair. No normal girl had pure white hair to their mid-back. I let him study it for a while, then spoke again.

"I also have this." I said in my own voice, turning my head to the side.

With one hand I brushed aside my hair to reveal a pointed ear. I tucked the hair behind it and waited for a while, then recovered it back up.

"There's a lot more about me that's odd as well." I said, feeling braver about speaking to him now.

He remained silent for a minute longer, then addressed the both of us.

Cirque Du Freak // Daughters of FateWhere stories live. Discover now