Chapter 2

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I woke up alone in Mirabel's room. I get ready and went downstairs. Obviously everyone is at the table already.
"Y/n!" Camilo says waving me over.
I sat next to him, and Mirabel sat on the other side. "You're lucky you're only a few minutes late" Mirabel says nudging at my shoulder. I began eating, so did everyone else. After breakfast me and Mirabel go out for a walk. As we reach the forest we hear an "ow!". We go to investigate. Once we reach where the sound was coming from we find Camilo. He was by a river, bandaging his knee, whispering "ow. ow. oW". We walk up. "Camilo, you okay?" I say. He made a scream then turned into me, Mirabel, Alma, Pepa. And looked at us with wide eyes. "Yeah...yeah." "We didn't mean to scare you" Mirabel says trying not to laugh. "What happened to your knee, Camilo?" Mirabel asks. "Oh well, I was chasing something, but then I slipped on the wet rocks" "what were you chasing?" I asked confused. "Wellllll, I saw an old woman on the outskirts of the village as I was going on a walk. I went up to her because she looked like she hasn't eaten in days and I had arepa con quesos in my bag from the previous night. But she gave me a muffin. I ate it and I felt sick afterwards.. it went black and I woke up with me laying on the ground looking at myself who was standing above me-" he spoke wayyy to fast but before he could go further I cut him off  "so, basically what your saying is you were chasing yourself?" "Yeah" he said simply. "Why bother?" Mirabel says. "Well" he said getting up with a limp "what if he goes and pretends to be me and messes things up or.." "your overthinking it" I pat him on the shoulder. He looks at me and nods his head in agreement. "C'mon let's get back to Casita and get that knee fixed" Mirabel said. "Wait, you said you had food in your bag, just eat some on the way so your not limping in pain" I said. "See, when I woke up I couldn't find my bag, that's why I said I had arepa con queso in my bag" "oh well, then we better go, we don't want it getting infected".
Julieta was still confused on why there was another Camilo somewhere but she still made him some food to heal his wound.

Camilo Madrigal x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now