Throughout the day you met lots of people, most of the town. You found you really liked Mrs. Strong, and would be visiting her in the Tavern and her home whenever you had the time and could. A Mrs. Woodhull asked you to visit, saying it would be nice to have a friend and you agreed. As the sun began to set across the water you realized you should head home, a strong gust of wind came rushing towards you ripping your scarf from your neck. You turned around to chase it but the man who was staring at you from Mr. and Mrs. Strong's tavern was standing there. The soldier began his way towards you and handed you the scarf. "Thank you."

"You are welcome, Miss [y/l/n]." he walked past you, with it being late you had to have an escort, right? And you could get to know this man. "Wait! I was wondering if you could escort me home because it is getting late? Then I can also perhaps learn your name aswell?"

"Of course." The man bent his arm adjacent for you to wrap your hands around his arm, you did so and the two of you began walking. "I am Lieutenant John Graves Simcoe. I am a Soldier under Captain Joyce and Major Hewlett."

"Pleasure to meet you." there was a strange feeling rushing in and all around you. There was just something about this man. Something...grand. "Pleasure is all mine. I saw you had a book with you, do you enjoy to read?"

"I do, however this is a notebook, I like to take notes every time we move so I remember the people I meet. Silly isn't it?" you looked at the ground. "No, not silly at all. I understand it. Will I be in the pages of your notebook?"

His little question made you smile. "I shall dedicate an entire page to you, Sir." He smiled, a small smile but smile none the less. You arrived home. "Thank you, Lieutenant Simcoe."

"Any time, Miss [y/l/n]." He walked away and you entered into your home. There stood your mother, she was standing my your father who was sat in a large cushioned chair facing at an angle towards the window where they could see you.  "Who was that?"

"Just a Lieutenant, I wanted to meet as many people as I could, especially the people of the town before the flood of soldiers comes in."

"Why must you always do this every time we move? We are going to leave and go back home once your father is done here. To England, where we will live on the outskirts of London for the rest of our days. You don't need to remember everyone you meet in the colonies. Just stop. Besides, you are only going to encourage affections from that MAN out there. He is not worthy of you." Your mother lectured. 

"Were is this coming from? And not worthy? He was just being kind, no affections were present."

"Your mother is right, besides we already found you a match." Your father added.

"A match?" you questioned.

"Well yes. Your father and I have been talking a lot about this. A woman of your age should be married by now, your not getting younger." Your mother said bitterly. "He is a friend of your father, a fellow Brigadier General. Lots of wealth and a good name. His name is Arthur Dunstead." she continued, you were speechless, shocked. Upset and angry. How could they just pick someone for you, and someone you never met? "You should thank us Dear. We pulled quite the amount of strings to ask him to travel soon to meet your acquaintance, to see how much of a wonderful loyal wife you will be to him. Thank us Dear."

"Thank you." you said angerly but quietly enough your mother and yourself wouldn't get into a screaming match. "I will retire for the night. Goodnight, Mother. Father." you ran up he stairs and to your room and slammed the door behind you. "'Thank us' Can't believe that." you mumbled to yourself in disbelief, upset, angry. Thankful that they were about to ruin your life. Marriage had never even crossed your  mind yet. You never thought about it... and now you would be married before you even knew it. 

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