Wait Why Am I Here

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Keres POV:

I nod my head and close my eyes and felt a zap and say me killing all of my love ones all she knows is all of the teams names but doesn't remember the thing with Volt.Then I woke up and I was strapped in a chair and turned and say a girl next to the door.Is it Chapa, Volt, or Rick Volt?

Noone POV:

Keres woke up and first person she saw was Chapa. Chapa gets up. Chapa's walking to the chair.I sit up and say. "Chapa" Chapa hugs me and says. "Hey umm Keres what do you remember last. "I look at her confused and I say.

"The last thing I remember was "She described what happened while her mask friends was talking and watching movies.Then that she was taken to a room but I Keres did want to tell her they said, they will be erasing this memory but I'll think you need and want to kill the team.Then I went to the living room to the others.We go to the hidden door of the building.

I didn't want to tell her all that happened.Chapa looked at me confused and said.''Keres that was before we got you that was 3 nights ago."I looked at her so confused."What do you mean?"

Chapa says."You don't remember that you kissed me I am pretty sure 5 times. "Then they hear someone yell." SHE KISSED YOU." Chapa looks at the door. It is the team.I try to get up but I am handcuff Ray and everyone walks in the room more.

I look at the others then Bose ran to me."Greeny are you ok.?"She was looking at Chapa a little scared."I k-kkissed you. "

Chappa looked at me then the group."Ya and I did it back but it is cool you wasn't yourself."I Look at the others and then someone walked to the doorway was Henry.

I see something holding him like he is being held."Who is behind you Henry."Henry looks at me and my handcuffs unlock around my wrist. All Keres could think is we are screwed.

Keres POV:I teleport the team to the side of the room away from the door and I was in the middle of the room and look at Henry."I don't know who's holding on to him but if I was you, I would come out now."

I then see Henry struggle to get out of someone's grasp.I look at Chapa then Henry and my eyes turn green.Henry's eyes widen and says."Keres It is ok."I just wait for the guy to show themselves."You know what fine I will do it myself."My hands start have green like things around my hands.

All of my powers feel like they want to come out I was thinking what to do."Hey you need to calm down." I looked at who was talking while green like smoke was circling around me and little flames of fire on my hand and arms."Why. I act like a Villain after all."

My powers are start going crazy.Chapa walks to me a little.I see and push her back and tie her down so she can't move I look at her I knew there was something about her.

I don't know what it is but I want to tear this person apart."If you don't come in front of the door before I do something that I'll regret."

I say while the flames are getting higher on my hands.The team is now tied to the wall.I get a little close and throw something that hit the wall and the person holding Henry jumped back and let go of Henry.Henry walks to my side.

Then says."Keres Calm down he won't hurt you so just stay here and he will leave."I look at him.My powers go down.

Then I hear a crunch in front of us.I go to power mode then felt something hit my neck and I fell a little dizzy then like a extra energy boost.

Then I look at Henry and eyes turn green and at the team and smiles.Chapa looks at me."Keres no stay we just got you."After she said that I ran to where the guy came from.

I was running for like a minuet and felt like I was close and heard a crunch and teleported to it and kicked the guy to the ground and looked at the guy.

I walked and squat over him to where I am on his stomach."Ok look who has a mask don't mind if I do."I took off the mask.I look at him and got up while dropping the mask."I thought you they had you."I looked at him."How what Ri-."

Then I hear Chapa yell."Keres where are you."I turn back and felt a sting but then saw drex.I slowly fell to my knees then to the ground my powers stopped and I scream. "VOLT RUN.''I said as I got weaker and Drex picked me up with something covering my mouth.

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