34. When we meet

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"Could you please un-hand me, you're making a scene." The way she said that with calm and collectiveness, made me flinch. I knew what that meant.

She was pissed.

"Just... listen to me." I pleaded with her.

"Get.your.hands.off.of.me. now!" She stated firmly. I drop my hands to my side reluctantly.

"Please! Can we talk somewhere more private." Im sure I looked desperate at this moment.

Her eyes were ice cold.

"No! If you have something to say then say it right here!" She felt the baby stir and her facial expression lightened up slightly.

"Okay...I'm sorry, I know-" She cuts me off.

"No, you don't know. You don't know anything. I cried. when you left I couldn't even breath. You promised me that you'd never leave me. You're a lying pathetic excuse of a human being." She spits out with so much venom. I felt my lips tremble as I tried to speak.

I look around to see that the few people that were here, were looking at us like this was some kind of live t.v show.

Noisy bastards.

"I couldn't handle it. I couldn't bare to see you and Cole raise that child. Believe me when I say that it hurt me more than anything. I drunk myself to sleep most of the time and I was an emotional-wreck." I recall the days of when I would come to Blake's house at night drunk off my ass so much that I couldn't even remember my own name.

"Oh, good for you. Drinking all your problems away when our- my child and I are suffering as well." She stutters out. She could barely look me in the eyes. I reach to cup her cheek into my hand.

"Short fry, I still love you and that child with every fiber in my body, but the child isn't mine. And that's something I can't change no matter how much I try to." She starts making a sound that sounded something between a laugh and a sob.

"You wanna know what the funny thing about all of this is?" She gives me a sinister smile and suddenly I'm scared what all of this has done to her.

"What?" I whisper out.

"Kristen Love Black has icy blue eyes and has her dad's soft black hair. She's beautiful in every way. Of course there's also the fact that I found out that she was not Cole's daughter." Her eyes are ice cold as she finally stares me in the eyes boldly.

My heart stopped.

"What?" I gave her a confused look and she starts to laugh, but it's all bitter.

"The baby is yours Dylan." I stand there for a moment while trying to process what she just said. Then I did something that shocked both me and her.

I slid down to the floor and cried.

I hadn't been there for the baby.

I hadn't been there for the birth of my own child.

I hadn't been able to hold her hand as she went through that pain.

"That's not...but, I don't...How?" I choke out staring up at her with unbelieving eyes.

"The doctors screwed up the test. That's how." I disregarded all the eyes staring at me. I even heard a few people whisper, 'is he alright?'.

"Does Cole know?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"He was devastated as well because he really wanted to raise this child." She mumbled something else under her breath that I couldn't quite catch, although it did sound something along the lines of 'he wanted to be close to me as well'.

Shy Girl| ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz