"What the actual hell is happening?!"

Man, this dude likes to mess with my head.

I picked up the discarded towel and as I turned around and his face popped into mine.

As I jumped back, once again dropping the towel, I looked again and of course, nothing.

This whole thing was very confusing and my head was a right mess.

"Okay, I really need to get my head checked out for hallucinations."


Of course, Yoon Jeonghan even had to visit my dreams.

"JUST WHY?!" I screamed into my hands.

If you couldn't tell this whole thing was stressing me out very much.

The fact he was constantly on my mind was concerning enough, but seeing him everywhere I go, is too much to handle y'know?

And do you know what makes this all even worse? The fact that our families hate each other's guts.

That does not make my life easier!

Like how can you ever hate someone as attractive as him?! It's not possible!

"Ugh." I repeatedly banged my head against the wall, hoping it would somehow help me.

Instead it just gave me a headache, of course.

Thankfully though, my phone began ringing, which allowed my mind to be taken off all of this.

I looked at the caller id, and saw it was unknown.


"Get outside, right now!"

Without letting me ask any questions, the anonymous person hung up, leaving me very confused.

Their voice did sound familiar though.

I looked out the window, and everything seemed normal.

Then again, I was on the other side of the building, away from the entrance and car park of the motel.

But to not waste time, especially since the caller seemed pretty serious, I hurried on outside.

I went out to the corridor, and at the very end was the elevator.

However, before I could reach it, a shady-ass man went inside. The doors were closing, and he stared at me, smiling like a creep.

My eyes widened, and I sprinted down the corridor, and towards the stairs since the elevator would take too long to come back up.

Rushing down the stairs, my mind started a train track of bad thoughts, most of which resulted me in my grave.

Once down the stairs, I quickly went to the reception, only to find no-one there.

Yet, I did notice that the weird dude from earlier was outside the entrance doors, once again smiling at me like a total creep.

And as if on cue, smoke came out from the vents, causing me to start a coughing fit.

I rushed to the doors, but of course, they were locked.

I started banging on them, hoping they would break or someone would notice that I'm trapped.

I soon realised though, that it was completely useless to do so, and began trying to find another way to get out.

Remembering my phone, I took it out of my pocket but before I could make a call, I suddenly lost service.


I continued to cough as I searched around for a window or another exit.

Opening one door, I came across something which I really did not want to see.

And no, not what you would think, instead a fREAKING BOMB!

Why on earth do people like to blow things up?!

To make things worse, I noticed that there were only six minutes left before I would blow up into itty bitty pieces.

I'll be honest, not how I imagined my day to go. Yet here we are. 😃

The smoke just kept on increasing, and I could feel my lungs failing on me.

Did all the windows disappear or something?!

I hurried and tried my best to find one, so I could get the hell outta here.

But it is very hard to do so when you can't breathe and are slowly losing consciousness. Yay!

Just as I was thinking it was better to give up and accept my fate, I could just about make out a window in view.

And as quick as I was able to, I made my way over there like my life depended on it.

Well, in this case, it did.

But due to the lack of vision I had, I tripped over a box on the floor, banging my head against a table that just had to be there.

I groaned as I looked up, beginning to lose vision because of how hard I banged my head, but also the lack of oxygen I was receiving.

And just as my eyes were closing for, well, forever I assume, I saw a figure leaning over my body.

"Don't worry, I'm here now."

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