Chapter 38

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I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, if you celebrate and I hope you were able to spend lots of time with the people you care about.

Please enjoy this new (very lightly edited) chapter!


I wake up the next morning; frustrated. Not only do I have a raging headache from drinking half a bottle of vodka when I came home, but I somehow ended up asleep on my futon instead of my bed and my back is killing me.

That being said I sit up groaning and decide a shower will help with both my current problems. I take a long shower, much longer then usual considering Shawn will have something to say about it if he notices, but I don't care. The warm water is soothing my aching muscles and thankfully taking my headache away. I get dressed and plan to head over to the bar and pick up a shift hoping I can ignore thinking about Will for the next little while, but fate has other plans.

I pull open the bathroom door just to meet Will's eyes staring at me from the end of the hall.

He jumps "oh! Hank let me in"

Hank turns from where he's standing with his back to me and shrugs "cat boy's here"

I nod stiffly "I see that"

Will bite his lip, but walks forward "I...I want to talk"

I shift my jaw, but nod once and head to my room not bothering to tell him to follow. He gets the message anyway and comes into my room fidgeting anxiously. As I close my door he tenses, but sucks in a breath and looks at me.


I lift a brow and cross my arms perching on the side of my futon waiting for him to talk. He looks at the floor before mumbling

"you're not being fair"

I lift a brow "I'm what?"

He sighs "you're not being fair Mason. You don't want to...or won't fuck me right?"

I nod once.

"Then how can you get mad that Kade will?"

I suck in a breath and clench my fists at my sides. He has a point, he's had points all along. I am being unfair and selfish.

I groan "you want me?"

His eyes widen and he watches me for a moment before nodding, just barely. I walk toward him slowly.

"The idea of Kade fucking Johnson or any other loser tasting you before I have makes me lose my god dammed mind"

His breath hitches and I'm face to face with him now; I continue lowly.

"You deserve bette then me Will"

He shakes his head his voice breathy "n no"

I lick my lips practically touching his forehead with my own "I want to replace his touch"

Will looks confused and I groan finally allowing my forehead to touch his before diving down and pressing a hard kiss onto his lips.

"Can I?"

He nods even before he knows what I'm asking, but the minute I sink to my knees his eyes widen and his body jerks involuntarily. I waste no time removing his pants and pulling his boxers down licking my lips when I come face to face with his erect member.

I take him in my hand first and rhythmically slide my hand up and down. His breath becomes quick and he whimpers before pressing his hand over his mouth. I move my hand back down pressing my thumb to the tip of him and he involuntarily thrusts forward a strangled moan erupting from his throat.

Only Sleeping ✔️ *Currently Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now