Chapter 25

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I have a feeling you guys are really going to like this chapter! So I can't wait to read your comments on this one :)


Jenna takes me to quickly grab my stuff and go out to the parking lot. The whole time I'm barely paying any attention to her, instead my mind is whirling at Mason's news. That Tony told Mason I...I gave him a blowjob.

I cringe at the thought and pull my jacket tighter around me. It's not cold, but I could use the comfort.

Jenna bites her lip "you okay?"

I shrug "I don't...I don't know" she tilts her head "what's on your mind?"

I look down kicking a stone near my shoe "why..why me? Why this?! He doesn't even know I'm gay so why tell Mason I did...that with him?"

Jenna bites her lip as if considering it "I don't..maybe he..the guys crazy okay. I seriously think you should tell Gage maybe he needs professional help!"

I chuckle at that, but it's not actually funny. It's just too scarily true.

"I'm sure he does, but I can't tell Gage" Jenna shakes her head "why not?"

I shrug "what would it change? He'll tell Tony to back off, beat him up, but Tony is Tony he'll just come back at me harder"

Jenna doesn't look happy with my answer but nods toward the school "here comes Mason"

I look to where she's gestured and sure enough Mason is stalking towards us determinedly; Gage's key's in hand.

He grunts once he reaches us "ready?" I nod "y yeah"

The idea of not having to face Tony seemed good before, but now realizing I'll be alone in a car with Mason it seems less appealing.

Jenna gives me a hug and tells me she'll get the work before heading into the school and I turn to the car opening my door and getting in.

Mason joins me and immediately sighs "listen"

I tense not wanting to talk about it, but I let him talk.

"I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to get so upset I didn't believe you would actually do it. I was just angry. I didn't want to imagine you with him."

I cringe "you imagined it?" He grunts "yeah. Wasn't good and it just became like a constant loop in my head"

I bite my lip feeling bad "oh..sorry" he turns and glares "why the fuck are you apologizing?"

I glance down at my lap "I don't know" he scoffs "just don't apologize for something that piece of shit did"

I nod slowly "okay"

He nods and turns back, watching the road. I stare out my window and we stay quiet for the rest of the ride.

When we pull up to my house Mason gets out making me lift a brow "your coming in?"

He looks at me and scoffs "yeah you thought I was just going to drop you off and leave you here?"

I bite my lip because that is what I had thought. I shrug and let him follow me to the door.

When we get inside I turn to him "um..I just I.." He rolls his eyes "spit it out Will"

I wince at that, I'm annoying him and he's trying to do something nice for me.

"S sorry uh" he grunts "shit stop apologizing I didn't..what do you want to do Will?"

I take a breath to calm myself and shrug "I don't..I just don't want to think about it, any of it"

He nods "okay you want to watch a movie or something?"

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