Chapter 23

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I'm sorry for the wait I know many of you have been wanting an update so here it is! Thankfully it's the weekend so you'll get a consecutive update Sunday and Monday. I hope you guys continue to find joy in reading my story 🤍

Side note: one of you mentioned character descriptions. When I read stories I personally like to imagine the characters how I want them to look. However, I can do character descriptions if you guys want that??


When we get back to my house Jenna immediately goes to my closet and starts picking me out an outfit. Despite the fact that I had forgotten about her plan to go bowling tonight and have no desire to go Jenna says she thinks "I should get out of the house" and "take my mind off Mason".

I sigh as she tosses multiple items of clothing onto my floor "Jenna your making a mess"

She pauses and sticks her head out of my closet glaring at me "well maybe if I could find one decent piece of clothing!"

I roll my eyes "my clothes are fine Jenna"

She gives me a look that tells me she doesn't agree and turns around surveying my floor.

"Okay fine.." she bends down picking up a basic black shirt with three buttons "this isn't awful"

I cringe when she tosses it at me. The shirt isn't even mine, but I won't tell Jenna that. It looks like Mason must have left it on the floor one of the various times he's been over. I'm not going to argue with Jenna and tug the shirt on waiting for her to toss a light pair of jeans at me.

"Okay and then your boots and a jacket.." she turns back to my closet and sighs "okay fine a flannel will do"

I roll my eyes but take the other items going into the bathroom and changing.

When I come out Jenna grins "now that is an outfit!"

I turn to my mirror and scrunch my face up slightly it's not that I don't like the outfit. I'm just not used to seeing myself in outfits this put together and nice.

Jenna claps her hands "okay I told Kenny we'll meet at the bowling alley for 5:00"

I nod "sounds good"

She smiles and we head downstairs. I grab Danny's freshly washed sweater out of the laundry room not wanting to forget to bring it.

A memory of Mason tearing it off of me flashes through my mind and I tighten my hand on the material. I go downstairs to grab Gage's keys and find him playing Determinator with Mason.

"Hey uh keys?"

Mason looks up before Gage and he pauses his eyes darkening. He licks his lips making me quiver slightly, that's attractive and now I'm anxious.

Gage yells "ugh dude! You let me di..." he turns to yell at Mason but lifts a brow "woah. Trying to impress this Danny guy or what?"

Masons face sours at that and my cheeks heat up "what?! No! Jenna picked it"

Gage laughs "we'll you look halfway decent baby bro" I blush "thanks um keys?"

Gage nods and reaches into his pocket tossing them at me. They clatter to the floor when I miss catching them and I cringe Masons still watching me.

"Sorry...we're leaving" Gage barely mumbles a "whatever" in response already turned back to his game.

The drive to the bowling alley is not long, but it's long enough for Jenna "So Danny?"

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