It wasn't something temporary or meaningless. It was something that would do good to her future and something to make a career in, teach other's in. He supported her journey and wanted to see her succeed. And that was why she loved him so much.

"Thank you." Trinity's words broken up as she pulled him in for a hug. She couldn't help it as she cried into his shirt, her eyes squeezed shut.

"This means everything to me." She mumbled. Hoseok rested his chin on her forehead. Slowly, he rocks their bodies from side to side to relax her.

"You're welcome, Princess. You know you deserve it." He said to her.

He was quiet as he let her bask in the moment. He didn't do things like this to show off or whatever the case may be. He did things like this to show that if he could, he would give the entire world to Trinity. The reason he was so looped into work was because of the money he got out of it to provide for her, spoil her and make her happy.

Eventhough he knew she didn't want it all the time and needed him most, he would give her both himself and all the finer things in life. Diamonds, clothes, cars, shoes, her own property. Anything and everything.

"My mother's gonna pass out." Trinity chuckled, sniffling to control her tears.

Hoseok laughed. "I told her about it already. She also threw a whisk at me but she loved the idea." Hoseok said.

"You're amazing." Trinity looked up at him. Hoseok wiped the corner of her eye.

"You too." He said to her.

"Now go stand over there so I can take your picture and add it to our memory book." He said. Trinity was excited to take pictures per usual, so she wasted no time.

Hoseok took out his phone and got prepared to snap her pictures. He was happy to put a smile on her face.


"Jimin what I told you about that? Don't give him beer!" Michelle scolded, snatching the beer can from Jimin.

He was dabbing a bit on his finger and placing it on Uriah's lip. Of course Uriah loved it because his chubby ass loved anything drink or food related, so he was laughing it up while Jimin gave it to him.

"It's only a lil dab, baby. You acting like It's harming him." Jimin said, standing up with Uriah on his hip.

The five month old would be six months next week. Time was flying by so fast. The parents wished it would slow down.

"Believe it or not, it is. Go bring him to Mr.Kim. He wants to feed him some cupcakes and icing." Michelle said and went in the house.

Jimin kissed his teeth and mocked Michelle under his breath while following her in the house.

Suga and Hoseok sat on the porch. "I don't see why he mad. He the one wanted to be a family man." Hoseok said, sipping from his can.

"Right? I can't wait until Uriah gets a little older and terrorize their asses. And he ain't coming to my house either." Suga joked.

"Yes he is because his bad ass ain't coming to my place." Hoseok's said defensively with his smile never fading.

They argued over this until Jimin came back on the porch.

His, Always | J.hs (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now