And she wasn't about to miss out on being able to use them.

They made it to the first GA checkpoint, where an unusually short Rundi stood at a podium by the door.

He opened his mouth to say something, but immediately paused as his eyes fell on Sunny. She flexed her hand around her spear, "Its Cultural." She said simply and then swept past the Rundi into the next room. The rest of the humans followed her as the Rundi opened and closed his mouth in unspoken protest.

They kept their weapons.

Adam had to fight back the nostalgia as he made his way up the GA steps, and into the wide white hallways of the summit room. Guards shifted nervously against the walls as they entered, but he ignored them striding up the isle with a purpose, towards the head of the room where the Chairwoman stood speaking with, what must have been the leader of Mars.

The room went almost silent as he entered the room, and a hundred eyes followed him as he made his way forward, coat billowing behind him.

He could only hope that he billowed impressively and not stupidly.

Human eyes widened or narrowed, some stood and others crossed their arms as he finally stopped before the chairwoman. He gave the customary Rundi greeting of a short bow of the head before straightening.

"Chairwoman, it has been.... A long time."

She looked him over with a critical eye her forward mandibles working gently as she gathered her thoughts, "Yes, it has been some time. I was pleased to hear that you survived Behemoth."

The room around them was tense with an awkward silence, but Adam plowed on.

"That makes two of us."

He turned his head towards the waiting Martian noting the burgundy and black uniform the man wore.

He was a real monster of a man, almost seven feet tall, with shoulders as wide as two of Adam put together. His ancestry hinted towards Samoan , but it was otherwise difficult to determine. When the man moved, overhead lights glittered over his closely shaven head.

"Adam Vir, I was unaware that the GA had invited you to the summit." He glanced towards the chairwoman whose only indication of nervousness was to shift to her other foot.

Adam nodded once, "Yes.... Is there a problem with that?"

To his credit the man was not cowed by his tone, "No." He gave Adam a quick once over, "You know I wasn't sure what to believe after Kelly's death. The news just didn't add up, but you have to admit, you have been grabbing for power for some time now."

Adam frowned, "grabbing for power?"

The man laughed, "Oh please, don't seem so surprised. Plenty of people were thinking it. I mean your friendship with the Celzex emperor, your friendship with the chairwoman of the GA. Your involvement with the Saint of Anin." His eyes darted towards Sunny, "And court close friendship with the king of Sparta.. You have a lot of powerful friends, so you will forgive me for assuming that was on purpose."

Adam lifted his chin thoughtfully, "I can see where your suspicions, but I assure you my only goal was to make friends with aliens."

The Martian laughed, "You can't expect me to believe you made it to where you are by sheer force of accident and good will."

"I'm not forcing you to believe anything. But you should know that Admiral Kelly was one of the most important and influential people in my life. She gave up the harbinger to me, and supported my work with the GA. She is the reason that all of this was possible. She was one of my greatest supporters, and the fact that anyone can think that I had soemthing to do with her death is not only preposterous, but it is downright stupid."

Empyrean Iris Story Collection Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now