Ch. 49: New Balance

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Spencer James

"Kameron!" Spencer's eyes immediately shut open as he sat up in the bed. His body was drenched in sweat as he clutched onto his chest in an effort to control his breathing. He thought about going back to sleep, but was afraid it would trigger the same nightmare. He felt he was constantly reliving the exact moment from a few nights prior.

"Spencer?" Olivia reached over to turn on the light on the night stand. "Are you okay?" she inquired as she sat up in the bed.

"I'm...I'm fine" he said as he felt his throat closing up.

"Are you?" Olivia questioned as she crossed her arms. "Spencer, it's been days since that night and you haven't opened up to me about it. I know it's bothering you because this is the third time you've woken up in cold sweat" she continued.

"Liv" Spencer said just above a whisper. "I'ma be good, just a bit shaken up. Just go back to sleep" he wiped the tear off of his cheek.

"Are you sure coming to Bali was a great idea?" Olivia questioned as she got out of the bed. "Spencer, we flew all the way out here to cleanse and recharge. I want to enjoy this time with you and that cannot happen until you tell me what's going on. We've gotten better at communicating, don't shut me out now" she said.

"You're right" Spencer nodded his head as he felt the tears fill the brim of his eyes. Olivia walked toward his side of the bed and sat next to him.

"I've got you" she said as she wiped the tears off of his face. "Whenever you're ready" she reached for his hand and pecked the back of it.

"I tried to save him" Spencer shut his eyes as he began to explain the events of that night.

*Flashback to a few nights ago*

"Kameron!" Spencer screamed as he watched the teenaged boy instantly drop to the ground. Right on cue, Spencer's security entered the room with their guns drawn toward Mr. Williams.

"Kam! Kameron, look at me!" Spencer said as he removed his jacket to apply pressure on his wound. "Why?! Why did you jump in front of the bullet?!" he questioned as tears began to cascade down his face.

"Get away from my son!" Mr. Williams yelled at Spencer and began to approach him.

"Don't move!" one of the security ordered. "You move an inch and a bullet goes in your head!" he threatened.

"I...I know you. I know you, Sp-Spencer..." Kameron said in between breaths as tears filled his eyes. " wouldn't" he shook his head 'no'.

"I need you to stay with me, Kam!" Spencer continued to press on his wound. "I'm goin' to get you out of here, okay!" he assured and Kameron nodded his head.

"Don't let my son die!" Mr. Williams begged.

"This is your fucking fault!" Spencer spat at him. "This shit is on YOU!" he said as anger contorted his face.

"I...I see him" Kameron said just above a whisper. "I see...I see my uncle" he said as he smiled with tears.

"We've gotta get him out of here! He's going in and out!" Spencer yelled as he stared at his security. "Let's get him moving, now!" he ordered.

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