Chapter 14: That's How It Go

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Olivia Baker

"Did you say Spencer James?" Olivia questioned as she approached the young woman and the receptionist.

"I did...who are you?" the young woman glared at Olivia.

"I'm his girlfriend, who are you?" Olivia questioned with a slight attitude.

"You're Spencer's girlfriend?" Chyna inquired, slightly chuckling. "I'm his ex girlfriend, Chyna, and his baby's mother" Chyna continued.

"...Baby's mother?" Olivia crossed her arms. "He didn't tell me about you..." Olivia said.

"That's funny...he didn't tell me about you when he was at my place the other night" Chyna said as she rocked the infant in her arms.

"Spencer was at your house?" Olivia asked and Chyna nodded her head 'yes'. "Hm..." Olivia slightly chuckled.

"What's goin' on?" Mr. A inquired, confused by their interaction.

"It seems as if I've been left out of the dark on a few things" Olivia shook her head in disbelief. "Spencer is in room 103D. You tell him I said to have a nice life with his family" Olivia said as she turned away to leave the hospital.

"Olivia? Wait!" Mr. A approached her, tapping on Olivia's shoulder.

"Don't do that, Olivia.  You should let Spencer explain" Mr. A reasoned.

"Explain what?! Hm?!" Olivia threw her arms up in frustration. "The fact that he kept a child from me or that he was at his ex's house?" she crossed her arms.

"Olivia..." Mr. A sighed and pulled her out of ears way. "I...there's a chance Spencer may not know about the child. You know the both of us speak regularly, he's like my son. I don't think he'd keep this from me...or you" Mr. A continued as he stared at Chyna and the baby.

"With Spencer being at her home, he usually flees there when he's on the run. I know it may appear to be what it seems, but I wouldn't think too much of it. Don't be so quick to give up on the love you have for him...not over her" Mr. A advised.

"'re right" Olivia heaved a big sigh.

Olivia walked back to Spencer's room and stood near the entrance of the door. 

"Why you ain't tell me, C? Why hide my daughter from me?" Olivia heard Spencer question Chyna.

"I planned to abort her, honestly. Our relationship had just ended. And though we were still seeing each other, I knew she wouldn't fix us. You were knee deep in the streets and I was young..." Chyna started to explain. 

"And then I heard her heartbeat and fell in love. I couldn't get you out of the streets and I didn't have a faith a child would. I wanted the best for my daughter and I, so I left town" Chyna continued.

"So...why are you tellin' me this now?" Spencer inquired.

"I want my daughter to have her father in her life, Spencer" Chyna answered. "Jay told me you were in a bad accident and-"

"The fuck he callin' you for?!" Spencer interrupted.

"Let's not act like the three of us weren't close years ago. He told me you were in an accident and I just had to let you know. I wouldn't have forgave myself if you transitioned and you didn't get to meet our daughter" Chyna continued.

Between Us: A Spelivia Love Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें