Chapter Seven: Feelings at the Oceanfront

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Olivia Baker

"You were right, Spencer. The food here is out of this world!" Olivia said as she and Spencer exited Messob.

"I thought you quit doubtin' me after Mrs. Fields" Spencer chuckled as they walked toward his car. He felt around his pockets for his car keys but noticed they weren't in them. "I left my keys inside, I'll be right back" Spencer said and hurried back inside the restaurant. Olivia stood by the passenger door and patiently waited for Spencer to return.

"Olivia?" she heard a familiar voice and turned around.

"Jackson? What are you doing here?" She furrowed her eyebrows. 

"I just got off of work, I work at the restaurant across the street. How have you been though? I haven't seen you in three weeks" Jackson crossed his arms and eyed her. 


"She good, homie" Spencer interrupted and stood next to Olivia. She glanced at Spencer and noticed the seriousness in his face.

"Do I know you?" Jackson tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows.

"You don't..." Spencer stepped toward Jackson. "But we could fix that though" Spencer said, earning a nudge from Olivia. 

"Spencer...let's go please" Olivia whispered as she placed a hand on his shoulder.

" I never thought you'd hang out with weird people like...him" Jackson shook his head in disgust.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" Spencer questioned as he took another step toward Jackson. "Bet nothin' gon' be weird when I bust a cap in yo ass!" He continued.

"Spencer!" Olivia widened her eyes at him. "Let's go, now!" She grabbed his hand and yanked his arm.

"You don't have to worry, man. I don't want her!" Jackson said as he watched Olivia pulled him away. "I already had her! Isn't that right, Liv?" Jackson winked at Olivia and Spencer's face contorted with anger.

"Spencer, please don't! Just ignore him!" Olivia begged with tears threatening to escape her eyes. "Let's go, now!" She repeated as she wrapped her arms around him. Olivia used all of her strength to push him toward his car.

"What the hell was that, Spencer?!" Olivia grilled him as she fastened her seatbelt. 

"You just gonna act like you ain't see that shit? The nigga said some goofy shit about you and me! The hell was I supposed to do, Olivia?" Spencer questioned after he slightly calmed his nerves.

"You don't always have to resort to violence though!" She argued as she threw her hands up in frustration.

"You don't get it" Spencer heaved a big sigh as he started the car. "I don't give a fuck who it is, no nigga finna think he checkin' me. And he damn sure ain't finna get by attemptin' to say sum' slick shit about the people I...uh. The people I care about" He continued, avoiding her eye contact.

"You care about me?" Olivia's heart fluttered.

"Somethin' like that" Spencer answered straight forwardly. "Look, Liv. I'm sorry about that shit. Aight?" Spencer's face contorted with sorrow as he looked at her.

"Can we just...get to our destination, please?" Olivia sighed as she relaxed her head on the head rest.

"Yeah..." Spencer frowned as he pulled away from the restaurant.


"Liv?" Spencer said just above a whisper. "We here" He lightly tapped on her shoulder.

Olivia adjusted the car seat as Spencer hopped out of the car. Olivia followed suit and watched as Spencer grabbed their belongings out of the trunk. 

Spencer unlocked the front door to the temporary home and let Olivia walk ahead of him. Olivia's eyes widened as the sunset beautifully at the oceanfront view home.

"Spencer...this is beautiful!" Olivia beamed as she opened the sliding door to the balcony. She walked toward the edge and placed her hands on the railing. Olivia breathed in the ocean scent as the breeze flowed through her hair.

"Spencer?" Olivia called out and turned toward the entrance of the balcony. She frowned when she noticed he wasn't behind her. "Spencer?" She called out once more as she headed back toward the living room.

"Hey...what's wrong?" Olivia asked after she found him sitting on the couch.

"I just, I uh" Spencer shut his eyes and lightly chuckled. "I ain't mean to upset you earlier" He opened his eyes and stared at her.

"You already apologized, Spencer. I thought we moved on from it?" Olivia asked as she sat next to him. Olivia placed a hand on his shoulder to provide him comfort.

"I know, Liv. I just thought I'd reiterate" He lightly chuckled and stared off into space. 

"Is that it Spencer?" Olivia cupped his cheek with her hand and turned his face toward her. She placed her hands into his and gazed in his saddened eyes. 

Spencer stared at their interlaced fingers before he shifted his gaze towards her. He deeply exhaled as he knew it was time to be open with her.

"This ain't easy for me, Liv. Openin' up and shit" He stated and she nodded.

"Hey...take your time" Olivia said softly as she rubbed the back of his hands with her thumbs.

"I...I was worried you'd want to go home, you know. Never speak to me again. Rightfully so though, a nigga fucked up" He started. Olivia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.


"Everybody always leavin'. Whether it's my pops walkin' out on when when I was 8 or my moms dyin' in my arms at 15. Everybody gone. I'm out here alone, Liv" He said as his eyes shined with the threat of tears. "I don't want you to leave...I like you too much to let that happen" He confessed as tears brimmed his eyes.

"Sp-Spencer. I-I'm not going anywhere" Her voice cracked as her words strangled her throat.

"I know this some pussy ass shit" Spencer chuckled as he wiped his eyes.

"I like you too, Spencer" Olivia conceded, ignoring his comment. Her eyes filled with complete adoration as she gazed into his. Spencer stared at her, biting the bottom of his lip.

Olivia's heart pounded as Spencer lowered his lips onto hers. She slowly closed her eyes as Spencer caressed her mouth in the ongoing kiss. The flutter in her heart increased as he vigorously invaded her lips. Olivia sprawled on top of Spencer's legs, the taste of him left her wanting more. Spencer deepened the kiss with his tongue as he caressed her thighs. Olivia moaned as his hands palmed her ass. 

"Liv..." Spencer panted as she Olivia's tongue conquered the depths of his mouth.  He smiled in between their kiss. "Olivia...look at me" Spencer lightly chuckled as he broke the kiss.

"I meant it when I said I liked you..." Spencer cupped her face in his palms. "But I don't want us to make a mistake by rushing into this" He continued, rubbing his thumbs across her cheeks.

Olivia instantly frowned and removed herself off of him.

"Nah uh. Don't do that.." Spencer chuckled as he pulled her back onto his lap. "I ain't sayin' no or never. It's just...there's a lot we still don't know about each other" He explained, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"You have a point there, Spence. Let's take it slow?" Olivia suggested and Spencer agreed.

"As long as it ain't too slow, I can roll wit' it" Spencer pecked her lips and Olivia playfully rolled her eyes. 

"Come on, let's go look at this view!" Olivia removed herself from his lap and pulled him off of the couch.

Olivia smiled as she lead him toward the balcony. Spencer wrapped his arms around her as he buried his chin into her shoulder. The pair enjoyed the sounds of the ocean waves as they were captivated by the serene view ahead.

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