42: Feel You Though

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Olivia Baker

"Mom, Jordan, how do I look?" Olivia inquired as she stood in front of the two of them. Though it hadn't been long since she last seen Spencer, she wanted to make sure she looked decent. She was nervous about their encounter, things were different between the two of them, and Olivia didn't know what to expect.

"You look how you always do" Jordan shrugged her off. "Why are you making it a big deal, anyway? You're not going on a date, you're just talking" he said as he popped some popcorn in his mouth.

"You're not going on a date, you're just talking" Olivia mocked her brother and he shook his head. "Anyway, mom, how do I look?" she smoothed her skirt out for the hundredth time.

"Don't pay your brother any mind, you look beautiful as always" Laura said as she smiled at her daughter. "What time is Spencer coming?" she inquired.

"Uh...I think he should be here any minute out" Olivia said as she checked the time on her phone. "Which means...the two of you should go upstairs" she said as she grabbed the both of their hands and pulled them off of the couch.

"But I was watching the movie" Jordan frowned at Olivia and she rolled her eyes.

"It'll be here when we're done, now go" Olivia urged as she lightly pushed her brother out of the living room.

"Hands to yourself, Liv" Jordan shook his hand at her. "I'll be out of your way" he said as he began to walk up the stairs.

"I'll be out the way as well" Laura said as she began to walk out of the living room. "Dinner is ready if the both of you get hungry. You let us know how things go and give Spencer our love" she continued as she exited the living room.

Within seconds the doorbell rang, indicating that Spencer had arrived. Olivia rubbed the back of her neck with her hand as she stood near the front door. She fidgeted with her skirt once again before she opened the front door.

"Hey...Spencer..." she trailed off as she put a smile on her face. She'd been a nervous wreck and couldn't figure out why.

"What up" Spencer lightly chuckled as he could sense her nerves. "What chu nervous for?" he questioned as he hadn't broke his gaze on her.

"I'm not nervous" Olivia lied as she stepped to the side to let him in. "Stop looking at me like that" she covered her face to hide her flushed cheeks.

"You look great though" he said as he entered the Baker residence. "I bought a few things to help with the nausea" he handed her a grocery bag.

"Ginger soft chews, mints, and saltines" Olivia said as she searched through the bag of groceries. "You didn't have to do this for me" she said as she smiled at him.

"I had too" he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I mean you carryin' our baby" he said as he watched her set the bag aside on the kitchen counter.

"Why are you standing all the way over there?" Olivia laughed as she approached him. "You can come in, I won't bite you" she said as she placed her hand out for him to grab.

"So..." Spencer trailed as he placed his hands in hers. "What did you want to talk about?" he inquired as their fingers interlocked. The pair entered the living room and sat on the couch.

Between Us: A Spelivia Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now