Ch. 40: Enough

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Olivia Baker

"Hello?" Laura answered Olivia's phone call after a few rings. "I haven't heard from you in a minute, are you doing okay?" she inquired.

"I'm not actually, mom" Olivia said in between sniffles.

"Livvie what's wrong? Do I need to come pick you up from campus for the weekend?" Laura questioned. She was ready to drop whatever to go be with her daughter.

"I'm actually not on campus right now" she said as she wiped her tears. "I'm in Malibu with Spencer" she continued as she removed herself from the bed.

"You're in Malibu? Olivia what are you-"

"Mom, I don't mean to cut you off, but I can answer all of your questions later. Can you just hurry up and get me?" she begged, hoping her mother would come.

"Send me your location" Laura said as she grabbed her purse and car keys. "I'm on my way" she said and then hung up the phone.

Olivia opened the bag she brought with her and began to pack her belongings inside. She wanted nothing more than to go home and be with her family.

"Liv?" she heard Spencer as he knocked on the bedroom door. "You good?" he peeked his head inside and seen she'd been sitting on the floor.

"I will be" Olivia said as she wiped her eyes once more.

"What chu packin' for? We're not leaving until Sunday" he said as he entered the program. "You've been crying?" he questioned as he sat on the opposite side of her bag.

"I just can't be here right now, Spencer" her words nearly strangled her throat.

"Liv, we'll be back in our respected places on Sunday. We still need to edit the recording to send to the police" he mentioned as he watched her pack her bag.

"I'm going home whether you like it or not" she cleared her throat. "I called my mom and she's on her way" she revealed.

"Wait" he lightly chuckled in disbelief. "You called your mom?" he questioned as his eyebrows drew closer together.

"Spencer, I just can't be near you right now!" she snapped at him. "I used to find peace coming out here and now it feels the exact opposite" she got off of the ground and reached for her jacket.

"So you're just going to put all of this on me?" he inquired as he stood up. "Are you forgetting this shit even happened because of you?! Sure I acted like an ass but you're just as responsible for this argument. Had you not kept this secret from me and told me from the gate, we wouldn't be here right now!" he said, pacing around the bedroom.

"I should've told you in advance and I shouldn't have went through with the plan! I wasn't thinking about the risks, rather I was too determined to get him to confess!" she yelled as she threw her hands in frustration. "Are you fucking happy, now?!" she questioned as she crossed her arms.

"That was the most insincere apology I've ever heard" he chuckled as he shook his head in frustration. "Just absolute nonsense" he continued.

"You know what, I'm out of here" Olivia reached for her bag but Spencer got to it first. "Spencer, let go of my bag!" she grabbed onto the handle and began to pull it from him.

Between Us: A Spelivia Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now