Chapter Four: Simply Wholesome

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Olivia Baker

Olivia rolled her eyes as she watched everyone arrive at Jordan's birthday party by the dozen. Each individual wore an expensive attire, coordinating with the theme of tonight's celebration. The bright moon and stars provided essential illumination, along with exquisite lights, as the party was held on a rooftop. Toward the front of the party, an array of musicians performed soft melodies, as the large gathering of individuals interacted with one another.

Toward the left of the rooftop, on stage, stood Simone along with Mr. and Mrs. Baker.

"Alright, everyone. Let's settle down for a moment, I'd like to make a toast to Jordan" Billy announced in the microphone, as he held a glass of champagne. 

The large crowd of family, peers, and strangers paused their interactions, giving Billy their undivided attention. The musicians continued to play their soft melodies

Simone made eye contact with Olivia, motioning her friend to join the family in front of the large crowd. Rolling her eyes, Olivia took her sweet and precious time as she weaved through the traffic of individuals. Olivia never looked forward to any of Jordan's parties, especially the dramatic speeches her dad would give him.

"Here we go, the best part of it all!" Olivia plastered a fake smile as she stood next to her mother.

"Jordan, from the moment you were born, I knew you were going to be special" Billy started, getting choked up behind his words. Olivia chuckled at her father's theatrics in dismay, receiving a slight nudge from her mother.

"From the moment you were born, I knew you were going to be special. Honestly, there are not enough words in the English language to describe how proud we are of the man you've become. Aside from football, you are the man of the people. You care for others, you are passionate and driven. I...I know we've had a few bumps on the road, but it never changed the love we have for you as your parents. There is no me without you, it is an honor to be your father. You illustrate what it means to be a true Baker. Happy Birthday, son!" Billy finished his speech, receiving loud applause from the audience. 

"Thank you, Dad. I appreciate it, really" Jordan thanked his father with a glass of champagne in his hand.

"No, thank you son. To Jordan!" Billy announced and held up his glass of Champagne.

"To Jordan!" The large crowd repeated, drinking sips of Champagne from their glasses.

"Oh and happy birthday to our daughter, Olivia!" Laura grabbed the microphone from Billy as he exited the stage. Olivia rolled her eyes at her life givers as the crowd went back to engaging with one another.

"You okay, Liv?" Simone placed a hand on Olivia's shoulder as the crowd dispersed.

"You know what? I'm not. I'm not feeling too well, so I'm just going to head back to my dorm..." Olivia walked off the stage, weaving through groups of people. She grabbed her purse off of a nearby table, searching for her phone. 

"The party's just getting started, Liv! You're already in a rush to leave?" Billy noticed Olivia's behavior from a distance, approaching her at the table.

"Dad, I'm honestly not feeling too well" Olivia said as tonight's dinner agitated her stomach.

"Of course you aren't" Billy narrowed his eyes at her. "You know, I've noticed this happens to you every year" Billy continued, placing a hand on his chin.

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