Ch. 33: One Take

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Spencer James

"You know what you doin'?" Spencer inquired as he entered the kitchen. "Don't be makin' a mess in Mr. A's kitchen" he said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"You need to be on the phone with Chyna" Olivia said as she looked at him. "Not in here distracting me while I'm cooking breakfast" she paused from adding chocolate chips in the pancake mix.

"Damn way to kill the mood" Spencer lightly chuckled. "You that mad?" He questioned as he removed his arm.

"I'm not mad, I'm just annoyed" Olivia answered as she turned back to the pancake mix. "You wouldn't go for that shit if you were in my position" she mentioned.

"If I were in your position, we wouldn't be together" Spencer joked, causing Olivia to glare at him. "Aight damn, my bad. I'll call her right now" he said as he exited the kitchen.

"I was wonderin' why that woman was here this mornin'" Mr. A said as Spencer entered the living room.

"It was a mistake on my part, I don't know why I'm gettin' crucified right now" Spencer sighed as he sat on the couch.

"Crucified? You so damn dramatic" Mr. A chuckled at the young man sitting in front of him. "Just call your child's mother and set the record straight with her. You don't want to have anymore issues with Liv, remember she's goin' to be your wife soon" he said and Spencer nodded.

"I'ma go call her" Spencer hopped up from the couch and headed toward his bedroom. He closed the door as he dialed Chyna's phone number.

"I didn't leave anything behind did I?" Chyna answered after the third ring.

"No you didn't" Spencer answered. "But we need to talk" He continued as he sat on his bed.

"Okay, well, what's up?" she inquired.

"What you did last night, can't happen again" Spencer started.

"I was goin' to leave, you told me to stay" Chyna lightly chuckled. "You've never had a problem with it before" she said and he shook his head.

"It will never be what it was before" he said. "You shouldn't have shown up here and I shouldn't have given you the 'okay' to stay. I have to set boundaries now. It's best to stay in your place as the mother of my child" he continued.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it would be a big deal. I'm just really concerned about your safety. It won't happen again, I promise" Chyna sighed.

"I understand you're concerned, you have a right to be. But it's time to understand that the dynamic has changed. You don't have the same access to me as you did before" Spencer said.

"I understand, Spencer. It's just going to take some adjusting" she said in a sad tone. "Are you able to come to Angel's half birthday gathering tomorrow to celebrate?" she inquired.

"What chu mean am I able to?" Spencer raised an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't I be able to, C?" he questioned.

"You have to check in with your wife" Chyna stated. "I don't want to cause anymore problems, honestly" she continued.

"Check in with Liv? She's not my mother, Chyna" Spencer lightly chuckled in disbelief.

"I know she's not. But the celebration was kind of last minute, I don't want to intrude if you guys had anything planned" she explained.

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