𝐬 𝐞 𝐩 𝐭 𝐮 𝐚 𝐠 𝐢 𝐧 𝐭 𝐚 𝐧 𝐨 𝐯 𝐞 𝐦

Start from the beginning

"Carlos." I told him and he snapped around, brows furrowed as he clicked his tongue.

"No," He raised a brow. "If you're looking into a Vega, then it should be Carlisle." Lorenzo told Wade and he was quick to jot the name down onto his notepad.

"I'll look into both." Wade popped the pen behind his ear.

"Thanks, Wade."

"It's so weird being back in this safe house." I smiled, thinking back to my first few weeks of being back in New York, when I had met Dominic.

"The memories this place holds." Flavio snickered and I rolled my eyes, slapping his stomach as he purposely said it to tease Lorenzo.

"Does this place bring out your inner dickhead phase?" I raised a brow, Flavio smirking down at me.

"I've spent so much time here," He looked around. "Especially your bedroom," Lorenzo snapped his head around and I groaned.

"You'll get used to it," Dominic patted his brother's shoulder and I raised a brow. "I know I didn't." Son of a bitch.

"Especially in your bed," Flavio carried on as his smirk widened and Lorenzo laughed, confusion growing on my face.

"Vio," I suppressed my smirk after realising that deathly spark in Lorenzo's eyes. "Run."

Children, absolutely children -- they way Lorenzo's chasing Flavio who's screaming on the top of his lungs.

It's been a few hours, Wade still researching on the Vega twins.

He decided to go back to his apartment, to run the check their considering all his equipment's there, it just made sense.

Flavio also went by, about two hours ago to just 'check up' on him but weirdly, he hasn't come back.

I usually wouldn't be concerned but my stomach churned with discomfort from the anxiety and we made plans. Plans that should've happened about an hour ago and Flavio never bails, or at least texts me to let me know if there's a change in plans.

"Has anyone heard from Vio?" I walked into the living room and I didn't get the answer I wanted. "Wade?" Still no.

This doesn't feel good.

"We need to check up on them," I internally felt panicked. " I called but they won't answer, Flavio's call wouldn't even go through." I clenched my jaw and Alec sighed.

"They're probably alright, Mar," Alec tilted his head a little. "Stop stressing, come." He patted the the seat next to him and I shook my head.

"No," I muttered. "I'm going." I turned around quick, grabbing my keys, shoes and rushing out immediately.

"Fuck!" Lorenzo and Alec sprinted after me and that just made me run.

They won't let me go but I have to. My gut's telling me to go.

"Mara!" Lorenzo caught up as he grabbed me by my arm, pulling me into him and he I groaned out of frustration.

"Enzo, please," I looked up at him desperately. "Come with me, if you must, but I gotta go." He sighed as he glared down at me, his brows furrowed.

"Mar." He groaned before turning around to look at Alec. "I'll take her." Alec seemed unsure at first but he them sighed, nodding.

"Keep her safe, D'Agostino."

Impatiently stepping out the elevator, I haven't spoke a word to Lorenzo this entire journey here; my lips sealed shut as my gut sickened me.

I felt nauseated by the anxiety that bubbled inside me, my palms clammy with nervousness.

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