𝐬 𝐞 𝐱 𝐚 𝐠 𝐢 𝐧 𝐭 𝐚 𝐬 𝐞 𝐱

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(v.) running your fingers through your lover's hair

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"His birthday's tomorrow?!" I sat up with surprise, dumbstruck as I watched Flavio typing away on his phone.

"Yeah," He nodded, why the fuck didn't he tell me? I was on FaceTime with him all morning before my meeting today.

"Motherfucker," I am angry but very sad that he's gonna be all alone, on his birthday. That's the worst.

"It's not his first birthday alone," He told me and I looked up at him. "He's been alone since he was eighteen," That's a lot of years, he's turning thirty-four tomorrow, that's almost fifteen years alone. "But Dominic... always had everyone... never has Enzo once complained, as much as a fucker he is, I do feel bad for him." Flavio clicked his tongue, shrugging it off and I just felt awful.

"Fuck you, dick, why'd you tell me that?" I don't feel so bad about anything but hearing this literally hurt.

"So you'd know how much of a loser your man is." He teased me as he threw a pillow at me, dodging it I gave him my middle finger.

"Flavio, I'm your only friend." I stated as I picked up the pillow, him stopping and looking up at me with realisation.

He glanced away thinking before he pulled a face. "Fuck, us Enzo's really are losers." He muttered and I suppressed my urge to laugh.

"Maybe I should fly out tonight," I spoke, sitting down in front of Flavio, who sat on my bed. "Surprise him?" I asked and Flavio raised a brow, shaking his head.

"You've got work," He told me and I furrowed my brows. He's stupid.

"I'm literally the boss, I can take days off when I want," I told him and he sniggered.

"Not very boss-like is it?" He pulled a face, narrowing his eyes and pursing his lip as he changed his voice into a nasally one and I pushed his face away once he started getting closer; my hand against his clean-shaven face as I pushed him away.

"Shut up, fat ass." He gasped and started poking me, screams leaving my mouth as I am very ticklish. "Stop..." I laughed once I got him to stop. "Anyways, if you're done, I'm gonna go look at flight tickets." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and he snatched it out of my hand.


"Vincenzo Oriano Flavio," I raised a brow and he froze right away. "You better stop manhandling my phone and give it back." I eyed his fingers that had already unlocked my phone for some reason.

"Using my government name," Flavio muttered with a frown as he dropped my phone on my bed. "And for what?" He sniggered as he snuggled into my pillows, facing away from him.

Oh, shit! I can't go.

"I have to go to Sorrento's area tonight with Grey," I told Flavio as I slapped my forehead from the realisation. "There's been some activity spotted for the last week," I told Flavio as I opened my messages from Grey.

Grey: I'll come pick you up at seven o'clock sharp, see you then.

"Why with him?" Flavio asked as he sat back up, looking at me weirdly.

"Why are you and Grey hiding whatever the fuck you're hiding from me?" I asked with sass and that shut him up.

It was quiet, replying to Grey and Flavio just kinda had an internal debate, zoned out into space.

"There are some people with much higher power and authority than anyone who runs these families," I snapped my head up with surprise, not expecting him to tell me. "All these years ago, when these families started off, a group of people above them decided they would be the 'peacemakers' between all four families," He told me and I intently listened. "At first it was hard for them because they didn't have enough people working for them and it just originally never worked out but then they decided that they will pick one member from each family to become a 'peacekeeper' and whoever it shall be has to be sworn to secrecy about their entire existence... you wouldn't have been able to cut Sorrento out without the 'peacemakers', that's how Castellanos came into the picture, that's why they replaced Sorrento... they could see how problematic the Sorrento's could get and you Torres made their job easier by taking it into your own hands." I was baffled, my brain is literally liquid. "I don't know why I was picked on behalf of the D'Agostino's but I was, Grey was picked — of course — and Salgado... no idea."

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