Making It Right

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Cr: to the rightful owner

Hi guys!
How are you guys doing? I feel like everyone is busy with their life to have free time to interact with one another. Or maybe it's me who is busy with myself. 😅 I have been trying to finish this one but god, it's so hard to write them the way I want to. And my next goal is about to start soon, before this month's end and I still have a lot on my plate. I don't know if I will be able to finish this one as planned, or, maybe it will feel too rushed just because of my lack of time. 🥲 Enough with that. I hope everyone is doing great and in great health. Take care of yourself, guys!

Well, Enjoy!

After the abduction that ended with no one hurt, the Uzumaki household has gone back to their peaceful day. Though the brothers still didn't get a hold of their grandpa, from their grandma, they have heard about them managing to sort things that were left unspoken before that led to wrong conclusions. They both know, that though they want to be a family again, they need to give the elder the time he needs and they respected his wishes. After all, what matters was that they will be a family again after all of this.

"Ino, thank you very much for looking out for Sato-chan." Naruto told his sister-in-law as because he have some business to take care of, he had asked if she could take care of his daughter who is asleep while he is out.

"I will be right back when I am done."

"Don't worry and take your time. I am here, and so is Tsunade-baa-san." Ino smiled at the one who seemed reluctant to leave, as though he is worried about the little girl in the room. Then again, it was understandable since the little girl is pretty much all her papa and dad, no one has been able to carry her much aside from them. The first thing she does waking up is to look for them and cry when they aren't around. That is why Naruto is worried, she knows, since her father isn't around either because he is at work.

"Sorry, I am being a worry-wart." Naruto bashfully scratched his neck when seeing the other chuckling at his complications which she know well.

"I understand." Ino expressed that she really does. If Sasuke was around, Naruto won't have been this concerned because at least one of them is home to pacify their little girl.

"It's best I go now." Naruto concluded because the more he stand pondering here, the longer it will take him to come back and the closer it will be for his daughter to wake up without him close.

"Don't worry too much." Ino said after the one hurrying out of the living room and saw how he signaled okay with his hand at her. She then walked toward the kitchen where the grandma of the house should be. Since she was asked to stay home because she just got her heat, she doesn't have much to do aside from helping Naruto with his daughter and Tsunade with the meals.

"Tsunade-baa-san, what are we making today?"

                     The car that was driven by the butler of the Uzumaki comes to a halt at the many-floored company facility. Before Naruto step out, he told the driver to enjoy his time around the city since it was better than him sitting in the car waiting for his return.

"Once I am done, I will call you." Naruto assured when the butler seemed to be worried he might not be back once he is done.

"I heard it's your grandson's birthday soon, use this time to buy him some presents. Here."

"I... I can- Thank you, young master!" The butler was about to refuse the gift credit card that was handed by Naruto but changed his mind when he saw the other's face.

"I don't know what he would like, so buy him something with that." Because Naruto doesn't know what would the grandson of his butler wants, he gifted him the money. The butler would know better than him what his grandson might have wished.

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