Uzumaki Sato

444 24 30

Cr: to the rightful owner

How have you been everyone? I am so happy to be able to update this chapter as promised. This chapter is really long, longer than every chapter I had written so far in every story. Since someone suggested I should write a scene of giving birth, I have read about it and written them as detailed as I can (some). I hope it turned out okay. 😊 In this chapter, the masked party is revealed too. Let's welcome the newest Uzumaki and...

Happy New Year, everyone!!! I wish we can all leave the bad things in 2022 and take only the good things to 2023. I wish 2023 will be kind and in favor of us!

The watch on Sasuke's wrist is only hitting seven when he walked out of his room, fully dressed and ready to go out, only to stop in front of the room where the mother of his daughter is. He knocked a few knocks, not too loudly in case the other one was still asleep. When not getting any respond back, not giving permission or permitting, he twisted the knob of the handle and entered. It was as he thought, Naruto is still asleep, and it was understandable since it is weekend. He would have not disturbed the other one if they have not planned to visit his uncle Orochimaru. He sits down on the bed, beside the one sleeping peacefully with the shirt he wore yesterday tightly clutched in his hand. A smile perked up on his lips, reaching his eyes before he brought his hand to brush off the hair that disturbing the other's face. He was content, getting to be the one tussling the other to bed at night and wake him in the morning.

''Hm? Are you uncomfortable?'' He said when the brows between the one sleeping knitted with a groan. Although his intention was to wake the other up, instead, he pulled the blanket for him and rubbed his belly gently. It seems it was helpful as the one groaning stopped to groan and the brows loosened visibly.

''[...], don't give your mother a hard time, hm?''

Naruto who Sasuke thought was asleep slowly opened his eyes when Sasuke exited his room. He didn't mean to pretend to be asleep but when Sasuke brushed his hair, he who woke up then didn't dare to open his eyes. He feared it will be awkward, so he waited for Sasuke to woke him up like every morning, but Sasuke left after...

''So, you already have our daughter's name in mind?'' He mumbled as Sasuke addressed their unborn child with a name that he just heard for the first time. It was a name that he realizes Sasuke might have thought out carefully. He smiled before helping himself up to sit and rubbed his big belly gently and with love.

''Your father really is cunning, my daughter. Do you like the name he gave you? Hm?"

And as if the tiny girl in his belly understood what he was asking her, the two tiny hands pressed against his belly, touching his hand that is rubbing it. Ah, so she like the name?

''So, you like them, huh, greeting me with your tiny hands like that.'' He said with a chuckle before stepping out of the bed and approaching the bathroom in his room. Though he still wanted to sleep in as it is the weekend, he remembers the promise he had given his teacher that he didn't want to break.

Sasuke was helping Shizune with preparing breakfast when he saw the one he thought to wake up once everything is done entering the dining room with Ino by his side. He placed the plate with their breakfast before walking to them.

''Why didn't you call me?'' He asked the one supporting his belly with his two hands before holding his arm to support him. He saw the frown that occupied the other's face and realize how he sounded scolding, so he changed the focus to the other two that walked along with his ex-husband.

''Deidara, Ino, good morning!''

''Good morning!'' Deidara greeted back with a smile that he didn't try to hide to see how Sasuke quickly changed the topic after being upset for not being the one to walk the stair down with his brother. He had seen how much his former brother-in-law changed, especially around his brother.

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