The Reasons

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Cr: to the rightful owner.

Another chapter here. Nothing much but do enjoy.
I will say that this story is slow-paced in some chapters before it will intensify.


Naruto sneaks into the kitchen to search for his nanny. He screamed out of his wits when his shoulder was touched suddenly by someone from behind.

"Please, forgive me, young master." The maid who was the cause of the scream bowed her head.

"Don't...don't do that again." Naruto exhaled before letting his hand which touched his chest to drop by his side.

"Sorry!" The maid said before asking;

"Do you need something?"

"No. Not at all. But where is baa-chan?" Naruto asked as she wasn't around. He wanted her to cook something for him because the dishes that he had lately have bored him.

  Naruto detained himself at home for almost a week now, to show his brother that he truly felt guilty for staying out without his permission.

    Why he detained himself was partly because Deidara have stopped speaking to him after that day. He hates it when he is quiet because he really doesn't want him to go back to how he was when their parents passed away. And just when his brother was himself again, he made him this quiet again.

     He wanted his brother's forgiveness. That was the only way where he could go out without his brother sending people to look after his every step. Like how he sent people when he first met Sai and it took a while before he accepted Sai and let them be independent. Now that he did something wrong, the consequences are that he will have people send after him. And that is something he hates! He did rather stay home than have them follow him around.

"Are you looking for baa-chan?" The voice makes the two in the kitchen flinch.

Naruto turned around with a smile while the maid lowered her head. Happy that his brother is speaking to him, he nodded.

"She took time off today." Deidara said before turning to go. After only three steps, he turned around again.

"Why don't you eat outside today. Aren't you bored staying home all week long?"

  A smile perked up on Naruto's lips. This was what he had been waiting for. Although his brother didn't say he was forgiven, what he just said meant exactly that. Deidara isn't the type who shows emotion, especially love and caring. But he knows how his brother works and perhaps there isn't anyone aside from him that could read his brother like him.

"I should call Kiba!" Naruto runs upstairs to change clothes and make an appointment with Kiba.

As Naruto walked out, ready to live his freedom again, he saw his brother's room in ajar. When he peeked in, he saw his brother looking at their parent's photo.

"I won't do that again. Please don't be like this." Naruto said as he hugged his brother from behind.

"What are you talking about?" Deidara who was startled by the sudden hug asked.

"I disappointed you, didn't I? I know I am wrong for being disobedient and I promise I will listen to you from now on." Naruto said worriedly. He didn't want to upset his brother who is everything to him.

   Naruto's worried face makes him smile. It seems his brother is troubled by his silence more than he did think. He knows how much Naruto looks up to him and respects him. And for him, Naruto is the reason he still wants to live in this world.

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