Don't Deserve

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Cr: to the rightful owner

How is everyone doing? It has been a while, isn't it? Here comes a long chapter and I hope I can finish this story and doesn't leave it unfinished. 😭 I want to finish it but I am not doing so well right now. I am struggling with myself that I can't bring myself to do anything. This chapter has been finished for a while but I couldn't bring myself to correct and smoothen it that I couldn't update. But since I want to finish it, I forced myself today. Let's hope I can finish this story before taking a break from everything. 😫


The first ray of sunrise cast into the black car and disturbed the one who had fallen asleep while on a stakeout. He springs up on his seat thinking everything is too late now only to settle himself comfortably when he saw the one beside him. He forgot that he wasn't alone.

"Why didn't you wake me up, Sasuke?" Suigetsu asked his friend who had accompanied him from last night. He thought the other would only call him frequently but it turned out the other appeared before him after asking for the location from him. He wondered how many hours the other has slept. The last time his friend fall asleep after he practically forced him, the other jerked awake after nearly an hour. He guessed he was too worried to sleep comfortably, even so, ...

"Don't tell me you have been awake after taking only nearly one hour of sleep."

"Stop talking." Sasuke told his friend before sipping the cold coffee that he bought yesterday. How could the other expect him to sleep comfortably when the one who has been abducted might be scared to the point of not being able to sleep? He still got some sleep compared to the one in that house!

"You must love him dearly." Suigetsu remarked as he had never seen his friend being this way, well, after his break up with Shin, that is. That time too, Sasuke was so out of it that he feared for his life. It seems it is happening again but he hopes that this time around, his friend won't have to suffer like that again.

'I guess I don't need to worry since Naruto-san seems to love him dearly too. They only need time.'

"... I can't lose him. I won't lose him again." Sasuke spoke, no matter who, he won't let them hurt Naruto the way he had done. No matter what their relationship will be in the end, he still wishes to be a part of Naruto's life.

"Jiraiya-san won't hurt Naruto-san, they are still grandfather and grandson." Suigetsu said understanding what his friend meant. Sasuke doesn't want to see Naruto get hurt and he doesn't wish to lose him, no matter the reason.

"..." Sasuke also hope that is the case. He knows how much the one he loves respects the elder that he hoped everything will turn out well. That way, Naruto won't be saddened for not being able to save the elder. Though Deidara seemed to be determined to resort to the last thing they would want, he know the older one also want to save the elder, just like his younger brother.

'I hope he won't cross the line, for your sake, Naruto.'

                     The one who the others are worried about springs up on the bed after the door to the room he was forced to stay the night was knocked on loudly. He rubbed his eyes and stepped out of bed after he was able to calm himself from the startle.

"Couldn't you at least have manners?" Naruto gritted out after opening the door and see Juugo grinning at him. He was sleeping so comfortably and this bastard woke him up!

"Good morning to you too, Naruto!" Juugo greeted the one with furrowed brows. He was amused by how comfortable the other slept under the same roof with his abductor. Then again, maybe the other didn't know the danger he really is in.

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