The Contract

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Cr: to the rightful owner

Let's congrats Naruto on his marriage with Sasuke!
Naruto: Whoever congratulates me, stays single forever!
Me: Oops! I am one who won't.
Naruto: Good choice!
Me: 👍 (🥶)


Shin walked out of the bathroom in Sai's bedroom before sitting on the bed where Sai still laying on.

''I heard Naruto is getting married this Sunday." He said and saw Sai's eyes flare up with anger so and added;

"With Sasuke. You know, the one we saw at the restaurant?"

                 Sai couldn't believe Naruto was going to marry and with that bastard that could pressure him with his pheromone!

                 He had never thought Naruto would marry someone else aside from him. No matter how much they fought before, Naruto would come to make peace with him. Even though this time was different, he still thought he have a chance.

''I heard from my friends who Naruto invited." Shin continue when Sai was shaking with anger.

''And he didn't invite me!'' Sai exclaimed before throwing the blanket off of him.

"Do he think I was going to let him go that easily!''

                  Shin who could mess up with Sai's emotion smirked satisfied.

"Didn't you say Sasuke was your ex?" Sai asked from where he was dressing at.

''Yes, he was.'' Shin nodded before looking at Sai who wrapped his arms around his waist.

''Don't you want him back?'' Sai questioned after kissing him and smirked as he saw Shin smiling at him, giving him the answer he desires.

   Sasuke happily packed his belonging to live at the Uzumaki mansion. The reason was that Deidara asked him to move into the mansion instead of Naruto moving out. He said that they have never been apart from each other and that he did feel at ease if Sasuke live with them instead. They all know he only married Naruto to take responsibility for what happened between them.

"Only three days, Ino. I can't wait to be with you." Sasuke who wanted to be near his girlfriend was more than happy to agree to Deidara's request.

"How lucky that I don't even need to make an excuse to live there."

Amid Sasuke's happy laughter, the signal of his phone sounded. He smirked before pressing the answer button.

"Hi there, Naruto-san." Sasuke greeted the other end.

{Are you dying or what, making that voice?}

"It is my happy voice." Sasuke declared at the annoyance in Naruto's voice.

"What do you want calling me anyway? Miss me?"

Naruto who was sitting in his office rolled his eyes at the question.

'I did rather miss a dog than missing you!'

''Before our marriage, I want you to sign a contract. Are you free this evening?'' Naruto gets to the point because he doesn't want to talk with Sasuke longer than needed.

Sasuke's brows knitted, what contract was Naruto talking about.

''I guess I'm. Oh, can't you invite Ino too?'' He asked anticipating. But the smile on his lips faded at Naruto's reply.

{Sorry, I'm going to talk about us and I don't want others to know.}

''Where are we meeting?'' Sasuke was annoyed that Ino can't come along.

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