The Last Resort

553 38 98

Cr: to the rightful owner

Hello there!
Wow, since when was the last time I managed to update this story? It seemed like such a long time ago. 😅 Is there readers still waiting for this story?


Naruto is getting anxious the closer they come to the deadline. As expected, they weren't able to lend money from the other banks. He has seen this outcome, he knew Sasuke could make it impossible for him to make business with other banks. But he still hoped and that hope has him vomiting in the toilet right now.

"Naruto-san, why don't we have you checked at the hospital?" Shikamaru suggested to the one who is vomiting as though he would vomit blood.

"... I don't have time for that." Naruto said with his raspy voice before accepting the bottle of water from his secretary.

He has hope that they would be able to counter Sasuke's selfish doings but he realized that there wasn't a way. They didn't have a chance against the Uchihas. And everyone loves money!

  He has tried to sell his ten percent of share to some other possible business partner but none gave him the among of money he requested. It seemed like they know he was in a pit and they tried to even lessen the price.

'Those bastards!' Naruto stands up while being supported by his secretary before they heard the voice of his brother.

"Naruto, I have good news!" Deidara exclaimed, a smile on his face as they seemed like they will be saved.

"... I told you not to overwork!"

"Aniki," Naruto lowered his gaze when he saw the anger, no, worry in his brother's gaze after seeing his condition.

"I need to do this. I have to prevent him from entering our company."

                    Deidara knows what his brother say was right, because he couldn't counter it. But after this, he might be able to see his brother living peacefully.

"About the news, Kakashi-san wants to buy the share." He said as they were now seated in his office.

"But aniki, he has already 20 of the share in this company. If he got my ten too, he has thirty." Naruto doesn't want what his parents have found to be in someone else's hands, even if they can be trusted.

"About that, even though he has more share than me," Deidara looked at his brother before stroking his hand to ease his worry. He had the same thought when Kakashi talked about it. As if Kakashi also know his worry, he assured him.

"... he said he won't take the CEO position of this company. He said we will still be the CEO."

                     Naruto was relieved to hear that but then again, can they trust Kakashi who they have only known for months. Although Kakashi had made their company some profit after he become one of their shareholders, he also have the gain in it.

"Can we really trust him with this? Aniki, I don't want this company to be others." Naruto voiced his concern.

"We have no other choice." Deidara claimed the obvious. He hopes that this time, they won't be taken advantage of like the case with Jiraiya.

"Naruto, we still have more shares than him together. In the worst case, our shares added together will make me or you the CEO."

"If you are confident, then let's write a contract with him." Naruto thought in the line of his brother and agreed. As his brother said, they have nothing to lose. This was better than Sasuke entering his space again.

Love=Lost [SasuNaru] [omegaverse]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora