Trinity left the apartment to go grocery shopping at around 11:30 am.

It was still a tad bit early but she wanted to get this out of the way first.

She made an actual paper list of what they needed. She knew Hoseok's was big on snacks, especially after he got high and had the munchies. So half of her list consisted of chips, cookies, candy, fruit snacks and shit.

The other half was of actual food. Pork chops, steaks, chicken breasts and other smaller items like butter, eggs, milk and seasonings etc.

As Trinity strolled around the grocery store with her basket, she hummed to herself. She was comfortable in her sweatpants, hoodie and tennis shoes. Her braids in a high bun.

"Okay so black pepper...wait no I got that already." The girl mumbled to herself, taking her pen and scratching out the words 'black pepper' on her list.

"So now I need to grab the sugar since I'm already in that range. I'll work my way around and get to the dairy products..." she calculated, talking to herself to assure she didn't leave anything out.

After grabbing the sugar she then made her way towards the dairy products. She scanned the milk. She and hoseok drank almond milk on the regular, only using actual cows milk when it came to cooking and stuff.

As Trinity grabbed the milk, she heard slight laughter from beside her.

It wasn't her business to look. But voices followed after and they were quite familiar.

Instantly, alarms went off in her mind.

Trinity looked over in that direction to confirm if what her ears were hearing was the truth.

And it was.

Kaliyah stood in front of the dairy products wearing a long sundress, her curly hair all sprawled about on top of her head. She looked good, Trinity had to admit.

Almost as if she didn't just get her ass beat months ago in the locker room. But that was another story.

That wasn't what really caught Trinity's eye though.

What shocked her was Kaliyah's pregnant belly that stuck out through the sundress. Kaliyah's hand rested on her belly, a bright smile on her face as she looked into the eyes of the man she was with.

He was also familiar.

Trinity furrowed her brows as she seen Kaliyah lean in and kiss the man. She damn near threw up right then and there.


Because the man Kaliyah had kissed was Philly.

Philly was Kaliyah's cousin.

Why in the hell were they kissing each other?!

"Oh my god." Trinity gagged, quickly putting the milk in the basket before moving away from them.

She didn't know how to recover. It didn't take long to put two and two together. Kaliyah was obviously pregnant for Philly. Had to have been.

His, Always | J.hs (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now