Chapter 35: Final Trial

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      Jungkook was nervous when he walked into the courtroom. He knew that it was only a matter of time until his assailant was brought in and he wanted nothing to do with him anymore. The only thing he wanted was to find peace and move on which apparently wasn't possible since he was back here again.

"Are you doing okay?" Jimin asked as they took a seat behind the prosecutor. Areum sat next to Jimin, while Jiho stuck to Jungkook's side.

"The best I'll ever be." Jungkook replied back with a sigh. Jimin hugged him close, knowing that Jungkook absolutely did not want to be here.

"I know it's hard, but I'm here and so are our friends." Jimin said as he titled his head back to their friends that were sitting behind them. Jungkook quickly turned around, finally noticing them. He didn't realize they were here since the only thing he can think about is what's going to happen.

"I didn't know." Jungkook whispered, looking at the others shocked.

"We wouldn't leave you and Jimin to do this alone. You're in our friend group and once you're in we basically consider you family. Never think that you have to go through things like this alone." Taehyung replied, hearing Jungkook's whisper clearly. Jungkook's shocked expression soon fades away and a small smile is shown clearly.

"Thanks. I really need your guys' support." Jungkook shyly admitted as he looked at the ground in embarrassment.

"Look up. There's no need to be embarrassed. Shit happens and there's nothing we can do to change it. Right now, let's get through this and finally move on from it. You and Jiho deserve to find happiness which I'm sure you'll find soon." Yoongi stated shocking the others.

"You usually don't talk unless you need to." Jimin stated, everyone looks at Yoongi now.

"Well right now, something needs to be said." Yoongi retorted, making the others smile. At that moment, the prosecutor walked in, along with the defendants and their lawyer's.

     Jungkook's body tensed up seeing Eun who looked back at him and gave him a creepy smile. This made Jungkook bury his face in Jimin's chest, trying to hold back the tears that were starting to form. He just wanted this to all end.

     Jimin had noticed what happened and was livid with the man. The only thing he wanted to do was jump over the seats and punch the man repeatedly for making Jungkook suffer but knew that it was unethical for him to do so. That was why he just sat there and held Jungkook tightly, knowing it was the best comfort he could give him.

     Shortly afterwards, the prosecutor walked in and stood in her place. The girl named Lilliana standing proud and tall, watching the bailiff walk in and taking his stand. Jimin was happy that Lilliana was the one that got their case, because he knew that if anyone were to get Jungkook justice besides himself, it would be Lilliana.

"Please rise. Court is now in session with Judge Yang presiding." The bailiff said, introducing the Judge who walked to the bench and stood behind it before speaking.

"You may be seated. Will the bailiff please name the case present." Judge Yang said, looking at the bailiff and listening carefully.

"Your honor, this is case #75-081146, The State V. Lee Eun & Kim Amber."

"Prosecutor Lilliana may now make her opening statement." The Judge stated, looking at the prosecutor seriously.

"Your honor, the defendant Eun Lee has been charged with 5 counts of attempted murder and the defendant Kim Amber has been charged with 5 counts of Accessory. The defendant Lee Eun was let into the building and Jeon Jungkook's apartment by Kim Amber. He then proceeded to shoot his ex Jeon Jungkook, who is pregnant with triplets, when he entered his apartment. When Park Jimin heard the shot, he ran up to check on Jungkook where he ended up getting shot as well."

"Wait, When you say Park Jimin, you mean Prosecutor Park?" The Judge asked, wanting to make sure he was thinking correctly.

"Yes, your honor." Lilliana replied, while the Judge kept a straight face even though he was shocked.

"The defense may now make their statement." The Judge stated as he turned his head to look at the defense.

"My clients are pleading not guilty. Kim Amber was doing her job, while Lee Eun was at a trusted friend's house hanging out with him. His friend Byun Sungho is here to testify." The Attorney said, making Jungkook shiver at the name, tears filling in his eyes, Jimin quickly noticed it.

"What's wrong Jungkook?" Jimin whispered.

"That man, he'll do anything to keep Eun out of trouble. Even if it means lying." Jungkook quietly replied as he hugged Jimin tightly. His words are not going unheard by Jimin and Lilliana.

"May the trial commence. Will the prosecutor call forth their first witness." The Judge said, looking at the prosecutor.

"The prosecution would like to first call up Park Aurora to the witness stand." Lilliana stated, making Aurora stand up. Jungkook was a little shocked that she was there but hid it.

     Aurora went over to the witness stand and stood behind it to get sworn in. Once she was sworn in, she gently sat down on the stool, ready to be questioned as she watched Lilliana step from behind the desk she was at and towards her.

"What is your relationship with Jeon Jungkook and how did you meet him?" Lilliana questions, ready to get this show on the road.

Authors Notes

Okay, so vote right here, right now.

Do you guys want me to write out all the details of the trial or should I skip to the verdict?

I'm letting you guys decide because I don't want to drag the story out longer if you don't want to read it. I'm saying this because if I do end up writing it with the full trail, it might take a couple weeks, because I want it to be as realistic to an actual trail as possible. So let me know what you all think. Also, I've had the a pretty bad day, so I'm emotionally drained and tired right now. Please don't forget to vote and comment. I sincerely appreciate all the support and it would make me feel better hearing from you all! I purple you! 💜

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