Chapter 4: Questions

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     Jimin pulled into the parking lot of Areum's school and found a parking spot. He got out of his car and made his way into the school and to her classroom. The second he walked through the door, Areum ran up to him.

"Daddy!" Areum said quietly as she tightly hugged him.

"Sweetheart! How was school today?" Jimin asked as he picked up his little girl.

"Great! Can we go to the park with Mr. Jeon and Jiho?" Areum looked at Jimin with puppy eyes, making him melt inside from how adorable his daughter is.

"If it's okay with Mr. Jeon then we can go, but we can't stay too long. We have to get ready and go have dinner with your uncles." Jimin said as he looked at Jungkook, making sure it's okay with him.

     Jungkook nodded his head and smiled at Jimin. Aerum's eyes brightened when she headed about having dinner with her uncles. Areum looked at Jimin with excitement and blurted out what she was thinking.

"Is Yoosung, Nari, Hana, Hyejin and Sarang going to be there Appa?" Jimin giggled at Areum's excitement.

"Yes sweetheart. They will be there." Jimin said, smiling at Areum.

"Yay!" Areum yelled and wiggled herself down. She then ran over to Jiho and hugged him before an idea went through her head.

"Appa! Appa! Can Mr. Jeon and Jiho come with us? I really want Jiho to be friends with Yoosung, Nari, Hana, Hyejin and Sarang!" Areum asked Jimin before asking Jungkook if he could come.

"Sweetheart, Mr. Jeon and Jiho probably already have plans tonight and I would have to ask everybody if it was okay to bring someone else. You know that a couple of your Uncles are well known for their jobs." Jimin said, looking at his daughter apologetically.

"Can we still go to the park with Mr. Jeon and Jiho?" Areum asked again, even though she already knew the answer was yes.

"Yes sweetheart. We can still go to the park with Mr. Jeon and Jiho." Jimin replied, holding out his hand for Areum to grab, which she gladly accepted. He then looked up at Jungkook who was smiling at the whole situation.

"You don't mind if we come to the park with you and Jiho, right?" Jimin asked, wanting to make sure Jungkook was okay with it. He knew that Jungkook nodded his head in acceptance earlier, but he felt more comfortable if he got word confirmation that Jungkook was okay with it.

"Yes. It's totally fine with me. Shall we all make our way to the park now?" Jungkook asked, sticking his hand out for Jiho to grab, which he did.

     Both kids nodded their heads and started dragging them out of the building. Jungkook giggled at the kids excitement and watched as Jimin was pulled out of the building by Areum. He wasn't much better though, because Jiho was right beside Areum dragging Jungkook out as well.

     After a couple of minutes of running, they made it to the park, out of breath. Jungkook put his hands on his knees and tried to get his breath back as he watched the kids run onto the playground and start to have fun. Jimin was right beside him standing, also out of breath.

"Damn, these kids are fast." Jimin said, in between breaths.

"You got that right." Jungkook replied as he stood tall, finally getting his breath back.

     Jimin spotted a bench not too far from them and made his way over to it. He sat down on the edge, giving him the perfect view to keep an eye on the kids. Jungkook realized what Jimin was doing and followed right behind him. He sat beside him, making sure there was a decent amount of space between them.

"How's everything going?" Jungkook looked over at Jimin, waiting for his reply.

"Everything's been going pretty well. Areum is doing good in school and everything with the case I'm working on is going somewhat smoothly. What about you? How's everything going?" Jimin asked, looking back at Jungkook and checking on the kids every now and then.

"Going as good as it could be. I adore working with the kids. In fact, I wish I could work all the time. Being at home is like a living hell. Actually I have a question to ask." Jungkook stated, looking at Jimin worriedly.

"Fire away. I'm all ears." Jimin said, wondering if Jungkook had any friends besides Aurora.

"Say someone is going through a very nasty divorce. How long will the divorce take and is there any way to protect themselves and their kid from the other spouse?" Jungkook asked, looking at Jimin like he has all the answers.

     Jimin didn't know how to feel about Jungkook's question. He knew what Jungkook was going through and was pretty sure that he was asking about himself. That meant that Jungkook was looking for a way out of his situation. The problem with this situation is that Jungkook is still too scared to even attempt to leave.

"Well, in cases like this, a restraining order will come into play. Divorces can take a very long time depending on if both parties cannot come to an agreement on how the property is split. As far as keeping the child away from the other spouse, the child's life would have to be in danger. The other spouse would be allowed to have a supervised visitation order through the courts." Jimin replied, watching how Jungkooks face fell. It felt like he had killed Jungkook's hope and he wanted Jungkook to know that there was still hope.

"But if there's a restraining order in play, there's a high possibility that the other spouse has committed a crime against their partner and can be charged with that crime. If that's the case then the court will automatically assume that the child's life would also be in danger and take away all rights to see the child. This depends on if the abused spouse is willing to press charges against the other." Jimin said, bringing back a little hope to Jungkook's eyes. It wasn't much, but at least it was still there. A little hope was better than no hope.

"Good to know. I also have another question." Jungkook stated and waited for Jimin to give him permission to ask.

"Go ahead." Jimin replied back, hoping that Jungkook wouldn't shy away and not ask the question.

"Is it okay for the abused spouse to run away with the kid and file for a restraining order and a divorce in order to protect themselves?" Jungkook asked, feeling slightly nervous that Jimin would start to ask questions about why he's asking these things.

"As long as a restraining order and a divorce papers are filed then the person should be fine. The spouse that had the kid will have custody until it is decided by the court when you go through the divorce. Any more questions?" Jimin asked, making Jungkook breathe out a sigh of relief.

"Nope. Thanks for answering my questions." Jungkook smiled at Jimin, thankful that he didn't pry. He felt comfortable with Jimin and maybe one day he would open up to him about what's going on. Until then, he'll have to wait and get through this battle he's currently dealing with.

Authors Notes

I know the chapter is shorter then the others, but I'm currently in a place where I have no wifi and a little bit of cell phone service. This means that this chapter is unedited and will definitely have a decent amount of mistakes. I will edit it when I get home from vacation. Anyway I'm working on the next chapter and I hope I can get it up as quickly as possible. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please don't forget to vote and comment. It encourages me to write more and I really do appreciate your support.

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