Chapter 1: Bar

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     The first thing Jungkook noticed when he walked into Aurora was that the bar only had a couple of customers which was to be expected since it was the middle of the day. He walked up to where he normally sat when he went there and started to look at the menu, deciding if he should eat today or not. The bartender noticed him and approached him immediately.

"Your back Jungkook! I was so worried about you!" The bartender stated, looking at Jungkook, happy to see him.

"It's been awhile hasn't it, Aurora?" Jungkook said softly, giggling at the bartender's name. It amazed Jungkook that someone named Aurora worked at a place named Aurora.

"Would you like the usual?" Aurora asked, looking at Jungkook.

"Yeah, but can I get a chicken salad as well?" Jungkook asked politely with a smile on his face.

"Of course! It will be right up!" Aurora said as she went and prepared his order.

"Thank you!" Jungkook replied showing his appreciation for what she's doing. A few minutes go by before Aurora is back and serving up his order.

"Here you go! A glass of Bacardi on the rocks and a chicken salad!" Aurora said as she placed the food and alcohol in front of him.

     Jungkook knew Bacardi tasted nasty, but it was the only thing that helped him with the pain. He still remembers the time he first came in here and ordered it. Aurora was shocked that he just wanted straight up alcohol with nothing in it or to chase it down.

     Over time, Aurora and him got to know each other and she was his support. She learned of all the things his husband did and has tried to convince him many times to leave but he just won't listen for some reason. Aurora also learned that Jungkook doesn't drink unless it's really bad, which is once every two weeks, sometimes twice. That's why she was so happy to see him today because she hadn't seen him in two months and she was worried that something might have happened to Jungkook.

"How's business?" Jungkook asked as he took a bite of the salad and chewed it slowly.

"It's been going good actually. I actually have a couple new people that come in regularly. One of them just so happens to be a prosecutor." Aurora said, hoping that Jungkook gets the hint, which he did.

"I'll be fine Aurora. Haven't I always been?" Jungkook asked after swallowing his food, looking at Aurora with a sad smile.

"Me and you both know that you don't come here unless it's really bad. I was actually starting to worry that something might have happened to you since you weren't here for two months." Aurora replied as she watched Jungkook look down at his food and start to play with it. She knew that something was up the second he did that.

"Jungkook, where have you been these last two months?" Aurora asked worriedly.

"I.......I was locked in the basement whenever I wasn't at work. Eun would take me to and from work, just to make sure I wasn't going anywhere." Jungkook said as a tear slowly slid down his face.

"When's the last time you ate, besides now?" Aurora said, beginning to panic.

"12 days ago, but it's okay, I need to lose weight anyway." Jungkook replied quietly, not wanting to worry his friend more than necessary.

"Jungkook, you can't do that! Do you want to die? If anything, you need to gain some weight, you look so underweight that it scares me!" Aurora stated, looking at Jungkook worriedly, ignoring the chime of the front door signifying someone came in.

"Jungkook, you need to get out of there before you die. Your kids need you! I know you don't want to talk about this anymore, so I'll leave that conversation here. Please eat all of that food and if you're still hungry order more. It's on the house." Aurora said before leaving to attend other customers.

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