Chapter 29: Celebrate

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     Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook made their way out of the courthouse and to the car. Once to the car they all looked at each other for a minute before releasing a sigh of relief at the same time, glad that it was finally over.

"I am so happy that it has finally been dealt with." Jungkook stated, catching the other two's attention.

"Me too. The process usually takes a lot longer to get through, so I'm very surprised with how quickly the Judge decided that." Jimin replied as he looked at Jungkook and Taehyung.

"He's right. Also, What was that whole situation with Jiho?" Taehyung asked, curious about that whole situation.

"Eun was really upset when he found out I was pregnant. He didn't want any kids and he made that known to me when we first got together. It was the first time he'd ever hit me. Had I known it would escalate this badly, I would have already left." Jungkook said, looking at the ground, disappointed in himself for not noticing sooner.

"It's okay now Jungkook. It's over now. You and Jiho are free and there's nothing he can do about it." Jimin stated, pulling Jungkook into his arms and giving him comfort. Taehyung thought it was cute but he was actually really hungry now, so he broke up the cute scene.

"Soooo, where do you want to go to eat Jungkook?" Taehyung asked, making Jungkook split from Jimin and think for a minute before something popped in his head.

"Oh! How about we go to Eternity?" Jungkook said, making the other two smile.

"That's perfect!" Jimin said excitedly, before looking at Taehyung.

"Well let's get going then! I'll meet you guys there!" Taehyung replied before walking back to his car and getting in it. Jimin and Jungkook got into their car and followed Taehyung to the little cafe they went to when Jungkook made his deposit on his apartment.


     Taehyung had beat Jimin and Jungkook there and had already picked a table and got their drinks. It wasn't hard for Them to find Taehyung since when they stepped in, Taehyung was immediately waving them down.

"There you guys are! I was wondering when you were going to get here. It's been 10 minutes already." Taehyung said as he watched the two take their seats.

"Well maybe if you didn't speed off so quickly, we would have arrived at the same time. Jimin replied sarcastically, making Jungkook giggle. Taehyung just mimicked him as he handed them their menus.

"He you go. I didn't order any food yet because I didn't know what you guys wanted." Taehyung quickly stated as he watched the two men start looking through the menu.

     Jungkook quickly looked through the menu and decided what he wanted before looking up at Jimin. Jimin quickly skimmed the menu as well before shutting the menu when he decided what he wanted. A few seconds later, the waiter came up to the table and took their order and the three men were on a different topic.

"Soooooo, what are you and Jimin planning to do later?" Taehyung asked, taking a sip of his tea.

"Me and Jimin came up with a plan for him to pick up the kids from Jin while I go to the apartment and start dinner. We wanted to tell the kids that we're dating now and that they are going to have 3 new siblings in 6 months although I think Jiho's already caught on." Jungkook said, making Jimin break his neck to look at him.

"What do you mean you think Jiho's caught on already?!" Jimin asked, sounding alarmed which in turn made Taehyung and Jungkook giggle.

"For the last week, Jiho has made a point to put both of his tiny hands on my stomach and kiss my little baby bump. He then looks up at me and say's "I love you Eomma.", then hugs me tightly." Jungkook replied, making the other two awe.

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