"What a lucky man you are" he jested and I heard Julien laughed.

"Indeed, well see you later Mr. Robinson" he squeezed my hand lightly and I smiled sheepishly.

We walked a bit and heard a ding of the elevator.

"Are we there yet?" I asked impatiently.

"Almost, just a couple of floors and we're there" he gave me a reassuring squeeze.

The elevator doors closed and it started to lift.

Did I made the wrong choice now? Is he going to do something bad to me?

My heartbeat quicken and I was getting nervous. I decided to put my hand on my belly to calm me down.

My little peanut is the only one to calm me in any situation.

Suddenly an instrumental music played on the background.

It was "I'll be" by Edwin McCain.

Coincidence? It was the music that Max played when we went on our first official date.

It made my heart clench a bit.

"Is there something wrong?" Julien asked as I can tell there was worry on his voice.

"Oh, nothing. I just love this song" I lied and I think he bought it.

The elevator doors opened and a gust of wind welcomed me making me shiver a bit.

"We're here" he said and his voice kinda cracked at the end maybe of nervousness.

He pulled me gently out of the elevator and I can hear floorboard creaking softly.

We stopped and I can feel he walked behind my back.

He gently took the mask out of my eyes and I squinted my eyes from the sudden brightness of the lights.

We were in the rooftop, there was a gazebo adorned with lights and flowers.


Why am I thinking of Max and our first date?

"Why are you crying? You don't like it" Julien was already in front of me, his face was getting into worry and panic.

I immediately wiped the tears that I didn't notice was there.

"Ah--uhm--I'm actually surprised and this is just...emotional for a moment there" I gave him a smile and it was all forced.

"Are we going to stand here all night or we going on our date now?" He was really excited.

He led me to our table, holding out the chair for me. "Thank you" I mumbled softly.

The dinner went great, the food was beyond delicious and the we talked all about things in our life, except Max and our past relationships. We kinda had a silent agreement that relationship talk is a touch subject for us because we got out of the same kind of relationship.

As we were on our dessert, my phone beeped and I chose to ignore it not wanting to disturb a great night with Julien.

It beeped again.

"Aren't you going to see who it is?" He asked while eating his food.

"Do you mind?" I asked and he shook his head no.

I looked at the screen and it was from Max.

To: Zoe

Hey baby, are you going to be my date on Saturday?

Bye bye baby (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now