Chapter 34

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Drip By Black Atlass

Before you read I just wanted to say thank you so much for 20k! I can't believe it, love you guys, enjoy reading <3


I'm probably making the worst decision ever.

But you only live once.

I don't know why I even agreed to be doing this with Harry, hell I brought it up with him. It's probably stupid but everything will be fine.

It's not gonna lead me into marry him or him becoming my boyfriend, it's just friends with benefits that's it.

It's so funny to me because it's still in the back of my head that I hated him last month, now I wanna hook up with him more it doesn't make sense. I honestly don't know why I said it, but Harry does fucking turn me on so much so I guess I'm gonna do this, I know he said he's in but we have to go over ground rules, I just don't wanna throw it at him all at once we both have to be respectful towards this.

He's coming to my place now to talk about it, it's the next day around 4 o'clock, I know he usually goes in earlier for the club on the weekends, but I wanted to talk to him today so I texted him to come to my place and he said he's fine with that, he just was busy running errands all day we had no time but to do it now.

It's been about ten minutes now and I hear a knock on the door, which is Harry the front desk called me. Fuck, I'm so nervous I feel my heart beating so loud, and my palms are very sweaty.

I open my door now and holy fuck, I'm speechless.

Harry's hair is a little bit longer, I wasn't even paying attention to his hair at all before until now, and he has a little bit of a middle part and his curls flow from his face, and he's wearing a blue shirt with a grey blazer and yellow pants, which is a first because he rarely wears color.

Harry's hair is a little bit longer, I wasn't even paying attention to his hair at all before until now, and he has a little bit of a middle part and his curls flow from his face, and he's wearing a blue shirt with a grey blazer and yellow pants, ...

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Fuck, he looks so sexy right now, yeah I'm thinking this I don't care.

"Hello, earth to Ruby," Harry says waving his hand in my face breaking me from staring at him. "You okay?"

"Umm y-yeah, come in," I motion myself out of the way. "You can take a seat on the couch if you want, would you like some water?"

He said he's fine right now, and I see him take a seat on the couch, and I'm still by the doorway frozen, I can't believe he looks like this, holy fuck. I start making my way towards the couch to sit, but start to laugh to myself with what we're doing.

"What's so funny?" He asks as I'm sitting down now facing him.

"This," I say pointing to me and him. "Is this stupid? because I know this is wrong for both of us"

Then he starts to laugh. "Hey you wanted this, if you don't it's up to you, but it will definitely kill me if you say no, so are you sure you wanna do this?"

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