Chapter 45

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Fumes By Eden & Garrett Nash


I think I'm gonna go fucking blind.

I squint to protect my eyes from the bright sun hitting my face as it peaks through the curtains.

I try to move slightly around in bed but I'm unable to move, as something is holding me down keeping me in place.

My vision readjusts to see better and I see it's my girl nuzzled up in my neck sleeping peacefully, as one of her hands is wrapped around my stomach like I'm a big fluffy teddy bear.

Fuck, she's so adorable.

I love the feeling of her skin on me nothing compares to the warmth of her body. Her red hair is slightly messy as it tickles my chin, her soft plump pink lips are parted out, and her cheeks are tinted a soft rosy red. She looks so calm, so peaceful, and Innocent.

Innocent... sure wasn't like that last night.

Yeah, so that happened.

We fucked.

I've been waiting trust me, I honestly didn't know when or if it'll ever happen, I never wanna force her to do anything if she doesn't feel comfortable, I know I was sometimes edging her on but it was only to tease her she knows I'll never force her.

But yesterday was her calling it happened and fuck, my dick feels happy.

Seriously, she's the best sex I've ever had but I keep overthinking if it was okay or maybe it was too much, because I know she hadn't had sex in 2 years I hope it was good for her.

I am sorta well, I don't know how to say this but I have a major kink side. At the same time though I do think everyone should know what they like during sex it's normal to have kinks.

I do feel like some of mine are extreme, not sure if she can handle all of the ones I like, but she did find out one yesterday. Screw me, I liked getting choked during sex I love the pressure tightness around my skin it feels so good, but she could think I'm strange or I'm a fucking freak after that which worries me.

"Hmmm stop it" I hear a faint voice coming from Ruby under me. "Stop it..."


I look down at her and she lifts her head to look at me. "Stop worrying"

"What? What are you talking about?" I ask her quietly.

"Baby, I can feel your heart beating rapidly loud against my ear, I know you are worried about something unless you're nervous," She says as she rubs her hand on my stomach right on top of my butterfly tattoo. "What's on your mind? please tell me"

I'm worrying even more now because she can tell when I'm worried.

"It's just..." I sigh huffing out. "I know you said yesterday was great and all but was it really? I could go sometimes overboard with sex Ruby, and I know you hadn't had sex in two years I hope you're okay with everything last night"

I'm never like this at all in my life, I mean I do ask the lady I'm having sex with if they're okay and
comfortable with it, but never this much.

She turns over to face me so I can get a better look at her. "Harry, it was per-"

"Fuck! look what I've done to you" I yell cutting her off, the blanket is a little off her, I look at her neck and breast she has red marks all over.

Yeah, we're both shirtless.

After about 10 minutes of laying in bed last night, I carried her to go to the bathroom because she couldn't walk, we cleaned up a little bit. She had an extra toothbrush I used it, then I ended up putting new sheets on the bed she told me where new clean ones were I didn't want her to get up because I know she couldn't walk.

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